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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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How to Simplify Your Life 

by  Robert Jirda, Thordor Bergmann, Liara Covert,  Julie Timms, and Annemieke van Eijkeren


Ready to reduce stress, to be more honest with yourself, to do more of what you love and less of what you don't? How to get here? Read this book!

 Glimpse what you find inside:

  • Learn about basic and more advanced meditation techniques
  • Discover everything in the natural world is a mirror & guide to innate wisdom
  • Explore how emotions are a gauge for your own resistance and acceptance
  • Grow more aware of the power and potential of compassionate self-care
  •  Find out why taking time to reflect and letting go of what you outgrow are key


The best tips from mother Nature herself. Liara Covert, a radio host, writer and mother has been spreading her message of our connection with mother Earth for a while.

The tips she shares are tips that work, tips that are proven and copy a millennia-old approach. We see the evidence of these with our own eyes every day. Time to start using them for our own advantage.

Discover Nature’s wisdom of simplicity.


The stillness of your mind offers you the space needed for growth and new ideas. Thordur Bergmann, a former smoker and meditation expert specialising in sharing the art of stillness with beginners shows us the simple way to start…and finish your day.

A surge in creativity and renewed energy flow are just two of the rewards waiting for readers who follow his suggestions.

Friends and Family

Our friends and family play a big role in our lives. Sometimes they can uplift us, and sometimes we struggle. Julie Timms, writer, poet, and mother to an autistic son shares her experience with us.

If your home is where your heart is, you’ll often find it close to the people you love.


Despite the fact humans pride themselves in being the only living being with the ability to reason, we are still driven not by logic, but emotions. Annemieke van Eijkeren, a radio host and psychic is here to help you understand your emotions and integrate them into your life for a better outcome.

Learn to honour your emotions.

And the Surprise Trait That Ties Together All the Above…

But I won’t spoil the surprise for you! Buy “How to Simplify Your Life” now!


Amazon UK —-> Simplify Your Life

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See the Press Release