Are you attracted to a risk-taker?
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 at 7:31PM
Liara Covert in Risk Taking

Risk-taking is not a quality that interests everyone. You likely have your own opinions about what is or isn't worth taking a risk. When you consider your personal life, you may make generalizations about the sort of person who appeals to you.

Consider this University of Maine (Orono) study:

Men thought the opposite sex would be attracted by risky stunts such as bungee jumping and fast driving, a study of 48 men and 52 women found. But in contrast, women said it was a turn-off, claiming they preferred more cautious people for partners.

However, the team from the University of Maine in Orono said those who took risks for the thrill were likely to be respected by fellow men. Lead researcher Dr William Farthing said: "Men thought women would be impressed by pointless gambles, but women in fact preferred cautious men."

However, Dr Farthing said women were attracted to men with a high-status, so if the risk-taking meant a man was respected by his friends they could then become attractive.

What is your reaction to risk-takers?

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