Giving it is how you keep it
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 12:45PM
Liara Covert in Dream Analysis of the Week

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Melbourne, Australia.

Dream- I was riding a bike uphill and came to train tracks.  Red lights started flashing.  I stopped as a train passed. Lights continued flashing when train was gone.  I chose to walk my bike across the tracks. On the other side, a small piece of green track shaped like a sideways U-magnet appeared on the ground.  The track came into contact with my front bike tire.  My eyes were distracted.  When I looked back at my tires, they were flat.  I was unconcerned. I sat on my bike to ride down a bumpy hill.  I was in unfamiliar woods.  I asked directions from friendly people. This seemed to me as a round-about route.  Something did not want me to reach a destination as fast as other parts  of me.

Predominant feelings- impatience, anxiety, confidence, determination, and reassurance.

Interpretation-  This reminds you a body is a physical framework that "tires" out.  You control it from an outside vantage point.  Take heed of perceived warning signs.  You do not lose things unless you do not value them and choose not to want them.  As you realize you are okay without what you think you need, this is what you hope and do experience.

Your creations are not your only sense of reality.  You have trained yourself not to recognize certain details. You wish to recognize what is true and natural.  Walking through wilderness prompts you to value each stage of transition.  You grow to value your instincts differently, to give into your core self and strengthen what it means.

Part of your mind does not feel responsible for itself.  You realize this ego is incapable of trust.  You are unable to perpetuate an illusion about other people unless you are already perpetuating illusions about yourself.  As you realize how you see illusions, you begin to sense how you may be overly-dependent on a system of reward and punishment. 

That you struggle to ride a bicycle draws attention to anxieties about balance  and how you feel about making it on your own.  Part of you continues to forge ahead.  Deep down, you sense you are already successful as you are.  This is a lesson in expanding your perception and learning that yoru creative power shapes unfolding events in your life.

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