Soulful persistence
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 10:32AM
Liara Covert in Soul, adversity, detachment, persistence, serenity, struggle

It is said that as you work at something, it becomes easier.  From this view, the endeavour gradually does not seem like work. Some people interpret this to mean the harder you exert the self or the more it struggles, the bigger the reward. 

Society teaches that a person is meant to earn success with blood, sweat and tears. As part of the process, a person is expected to engage in competition, conflict and feel repeatedly tested. Deep down, one is invited to ask what is testing whom?

Ingrained views condition people to think that anything coming easily does not deserve to be appreciated. For example, when a sports game appears one-sided, not only do players feel something missing but spectators somehow feel gypped.

Another view of persistence has nothing to do with striving to achieve, accomplish or become anything. From this view, you need not be fastest, best or most anything. Comparisons and a need to excel fall away. What you are remembering, remains. The soul is a silent warrior with infinite patience. What is the nature of any path? How does soul dialogue and expand inside?

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