Shapeshifting & reality beyond 2012
Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 8:14AM
Liara Covert in 2012, David Icke, Self-disclosure, awakening, control, reptilian-human bloodline, shape-shifting

The few only control the many as long as the many choose to be controlled and choose not to awaken. Could 2012 be a diversion?  Does linear time have any impact on your true identity? Some people would say no.  What do you believe?

Self-disclosure is unfolding on a massive scale.  You initiate your own changes from within. As my recent book invites you to rediscover, how you think and feel now changes everything.

Energetic changes are ongoing.  Yet, not everyone chooses to accept what arises from within.  How do you choose to experience your own reality? As people open mind and consciousness to greater possibilities, they perceive and experience greater possibilities.  You sense and attract what is unimaginable before this stage of vivid remembering.

Watch this except of a series of interviews with David Icke. How does his perception resonate with yours?

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