What wisdom do fireflies offer?
Sunday, June 14, 2009 at 10:25PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, firefly, hope, nature, oneness

A moonlit stroll in the forest enables you to sense noctural beetles.  They invite wake-up calls, shift attention from what does not matter so you awaken to what is. As beacons of light, they flicker in code.  What wisdom do such fireflies offer?

1) Your body becomes weightless. Part of you seems to float.

2) Your breathing slows.  Energy changes vibration inside.

3) Your feelings of pain, frustration, and all illusions diminish.

4) Your sense of time dissolves to focus entirely in the now.

5) Your intake of color, sound, and smell, grow much sharper. 

6) Your mind, body and spirit respond with restful awareness.

7) You reach a level of inner silence where peace is accessible.

8) Your soul recalls insight of empathy, tolerance, forgiveness.

9) Your perspective shifts from the self to interconnectedness.

10) Your being merges with expanding love and divine unity.

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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