10 points on power of choices
Saturday, June 20, 2009 at 11:15PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, awareness, duality, love, revelation

Some people believe that the process of learning is one of he most challenging things to do.  You may forget that you have the capacity to shift mindst, focus or distance yourself from anything.  It all comes down to choices. Review 10 points;

1) Any person or situation that appears to manipulate your fears or make you more frightened is out to control you, not empower you.  You choose to raise awareness of how you feel and why or, not. You actively facilitate self-healing or not.

2) To nurture spiritual connections is to reconnect with a sense of unconditional love.  This enables a person to recognize he is never truly abandoned, rejected, or alone.  To deny spirituality or downplay its energy and potential, is another choice.    

3) Situations that evoke discomfort are the kinds of things you exist to confront.  You can exert valiant effort to face and overcome them, assist others with their own situations without judgment or, perpetuate the apparent problems.

4) You can choose to believe you have gifts and use them or, assume you have nothing worth sharing.

5) As you grow more attuned to yourself and realize your thoughts or behaviour cause suffering in others, you learn about the power of intention.  Do you choose to harm or love?

6) Some people will say one thing and live a life that reflects completely different beliefs and values.  You choose to compare to others, be hypocritical or, live a life of integrity.

7) Human beings are fallible.  As you grow aware you can make better choices, you have the capacity to take responsibility and be accountable for previous behaviour. The alternative is the why me? mentality, and allowing yourself to feel like a victim.

8) Taking initiatives to learn is a choice just like choosing to resist change and expansion is a choice.

9) Consider your conditioned reflexes and apparent instincts. Does it feel natural to be tolerant, understanding and forgiving of others' apparent mistakes or, do you quickly reprimand, anger and hold grudges?

10) Regardless of your perceived conditions, you always have capacity to find blesssings, advantages and good things where you are. This is not the same as reminding yourself you are better off than  (or superior to) someone somewhere. Its not an ego thing. Its an invitation to think with the heart and feel withthe mind. As you awaken, be thankful to be alive, grateful for what you have, the love and everything else you are given. 

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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