Stop staring at the tea kettle
Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 1:54AM
Liara Covert in Positive Thinking, impatience, patience, time

On many occasions, people look at their watches and find other ways to make it seem as though what they want to happen is taking longer thanthey think itshould. Everyone is very familiar with signs of impatience.  Each one is a reminder from Higher Forces you are not as patient as you could be.

A classic example is what many people do while waiting for the tea kettle to boil. Staring at it does not hasten the passage of time. In fact, watching it intently seems to make time move slower. You may have thought it takes forever to do some things. Exceptions include whenyou are sitting in traffic and believe you must be somewhere, or the time is running out during a test and you are not finished. What is it with that?

Fear is the common denominator for perceived trouble.  Worry seems to push time to move faster. Anxiety almost seems to invite time to run away from you. Imagination is overworked. Yet, if you focus on loving who and where you are, this helps you realize you do what you do at precisely the right time.

The fundamental question is, can you control time? If you choose to reclaim your authentic power, then you realize you have choices in the matter. Consider these five points;

1)You decide whether time exists and how you permit it to guide, control or dominate you.

2)You accept ego beliefs and values unless you learn mental discipline, choose to reject and transcend them.

2) You control how you respond or not to all perceived conditions and selectively decide what does not matter.

3) Your thoughts and feelings create energy vibration. This affects events whether you take responsibility for self or not.

4) If you dwell on what has not worked, hindsight does not serve you. Turning inward empowers you to focus on who you think you were or revelations about who you truly are.

5) You have the power to view time as what you want or not. Shift focus and reframe conditions as blessings in disguise.

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (
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