Transcend cosmic forgetfulness
Friday, September 4, 2009 at 4:10AM
Liara Covert in 2012, awareness, awkaening, presence, spiritual

One perspective is that much of humanity is lost in worlds of illusion. From this vantage point, human beings have selective amnesia about their true origins beyond the physical realm.  Plato described it as the 'shadows of the cave.' Buddhists and Hindus describe this state as 'the veil of Maya.'  Neo brought this into popular culture by calling it The Matrix.  What now?

Spiritual ideas are said to be awakening within the soul of every being who moves through certain stages of awareness.  As you mature along a spiritual path, you no longer accept everything you are told at face value.  Part of you works to integrate what you are taught to believe with what you feel. The mind moves from accepting everything based on perceived fact, to accessing esoterc inner knowing. This enables a person to appreciate allegory and metaphor in historic stories and experiences.  You are creating bridges for transformation.

As you awaken to the depth of the present, you begin to sense certain of your beliefs and perceptions do not jive.  If all things are aligned within your scope of understanding, then illusions dissolve and you reconnect with an energetic essence that is you. This means you forgive, love unconditionally and are suddenly aware of vast inner mysteries at a conscious level.

Although everyone has not yet reached a mental place of complete fearlessness, more and more people are learning what it means to listen closer to their own inner voice of higher awareness.  Many people are also starting to tap into a more expansive vision of themselves in relation to the cosmos.  The year 2012 is often referred to as a crossroads.  Even now, everyone has choices; to stay in a rigid mindset or to take steps to heal the internal dissociation from the true self.

On a more intimate level, you grow to trust intuition more than doubt or question.  You are beginning to grasp waves of energy vibration, the significance of thoughts and feelings in your own power of co-creation.   You are coming home to the self.  You are beginning to move beyond the conditioned impulse to seek power, separation and create fear. One key revelation is heaven in inside. You return to realign with soul.  It never left.  The state of soul reflects growing self-love and acceptance.

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