Know all doors are open
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 at 8:30AM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, Ram Dass, awareness, divine being, separation, silence, soul

As you choose to experience existence through the lens of soul, suddenly, every door is always open.  The essence of being is pure awarenes and it passes through all doorways unobstructed. The mind creates a sense of obstacles, imagines barricades and percives reasons for closed doors.  Notice the perspective you adopt or the assumptions you are prompted to make.  What does this tell you?

To sense awareness is selective or fragmented is only temporary.  To identify and perceive separation is part of the journey that invites you to see reflections of divine being in everything. Know every belief resists something and offers clues to what and why.  Stop seeking. Turn inward.  Be the answer that never leaves home except for a temporary change of scenery.  Feel the swinging or rotating door now.

"You cannnot look for awareness.  You can only be awareness." - Ram Dass

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