Know not what to say?
Friday, March 18, 2011 at 11:10PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, awareness, consciousness, deep knowing, distress, mind, peace, surrender, thought, truth

If you would like to say something, and you are unable to come up with something, this may evoke distress.  Yet, what what does it mean when you know not what to say and feel at ease with that? As you surrender into the state of not knowing, you connect deeply to something indescribable within.  You realize what truly needs to be known already is. What you think is important is a mental thought that separates you from that which is known.  You begin to sense every label is an imagined concept that has no bearing on what truly matters. Judgement is a limited perspective.  Suddenly, you recall how it feels to be happy where you are and just be.

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