Take a second glimpse
Sunday, July 31, 2011 at 10:57PM
Liara Covert in Ashley HIghland, Consciousness, awareness, inspirational quotes, nothing, seeing

Notice what happens as you feel that taking a second glimpse changes everything.  In essence, you see nothing as it is.  Every instance you notice someone judging or hear it inside the mind, you forget who you are. Every instance you allow your focus to be on the past, you allow what does not exist to fool you.  This is not about psychological time so much as being aware you choose to see or obscure the view.

As goes with anything, you are invited to taste it again with al lthe senses, as if for the first time.  For you see, there is only ever this moment.  There is only ever one time that unfolds over and over however you choose to perceive it.  Do not allow yourself to be baffled or worried about something that is not there.  You are only ever bothered by nothing.  Know you can always choose again so that you may see things as they are.

"Words are creation of self and every time you open your mouth, you give the world a glimpse into who you really are." -Ashley Highland

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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