5 Tips to Feel at more home
Monday, November 26, 2018 at 10:00AM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, awareness, circuit, energetic shift, love, moving house

You may contemplate moving or know people who have or are. On the surface, this may appear to be for work or new relationships. We are taught that ancient cultures moved regularly, based mainly on seasons and migrating to where different kinds of food was plentiful. Some nomadic cultures still do. Yet, logical reasons aside, is another explanation possible? What if deep down, the urge to change home or other surroundings is based on something unseen that you feel?

Moving house is a symptom of energy shifts going on inside you.  We are constantly changing our levels and states of energy, but many of us do it unconsciously, allowing moods and emotions to determine our state of mind, as well as the external situations.  What if feeling at home where you are is the key to bringing the highest qualities into your life experience? Ponder these 5 tips:

1. See your home as a mirror

At some stage, you will begin to see how your home reflects your belief systems, sense of self-worth, how authentic or natural you are portraying yourself. Be willing to explore this and change or evolve. You may feel your idenitity or what feels right shifting.  People may call you crazy or brave. New values and perspectives are urging you to transform your inner life which is influencing your outer environment to change (or inviting you to move).

2. Renovate your home and life

At this point, you begin to realize that you cannot become your best self without being willing to make changes inside. It grows more obvious what depletes your energy. Yo may feel compelled to put in bigger windwos, rip down physical walls or completely change some aspects of your living environment to suit what is shifting within you. If you resist change, you notice reistsance severely depletes your energy.

3.  Accept what comes to the surface

Many people assume feeling at ease with yourself means an immediate removal of all the heavy energies, and a sudden transformation from a deep sleep to immediate accpetance of all that evokes dscomfort. IN truth, the awakening journey involves constant fluctuations as karmic energy comes to the surface and you work to rid your energy body of those experiences and emotions.  You may have deep wounds from your childhood, past relationships, and past lives that need a lot of attention and healing before you can move forward.

4.  Be willing to shift focus

The desire to move house is a symptom of other shifts going on inside you. When you go out to a restaurant, grocery store, or bank, you may start to see existing ways of functioning as irrelevant or harmful to the greater purpose you are feeling about life. You start to become disinterested in material items, shopping, eating out, and redefine “normal” . You may start to find more solace and meaning in nature and exploring your creativity.  One of the biggest transformations people go through during vibrational shifts is a longing to get out of their current job or home, and to move into a new role or home that echoes their true purpose. Many people even start their own businesses as entrepreneurs, get into life coaching or energy healing arts. When you feel stifled in your current environment, you being to take action to evolve into your greater purpose.

5. Love yourself more

During this time, you probably will feel a deeper connection to Earth and all its beings. When you see pollution in the air, animals being tortured, or someone crying, you will likely experience a strong reaction and wish you could instantaneously heal everything and everyone on Earth.  As you recall how it feels to love yoruself more, you naturally love others more, which deepens empathy towards others. Perhaps redefine your sense of home not only within, but also imagine your harmonious inside energy expanding outwards not only into your home but also into the neighborhood, community, city, region, country, hemisphere, earth, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, source and therefore within again as a complete circuit.  

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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