10 Tips from a Time Traveler
Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 1:19PM
Liara Covert in Back to the Future, Consciousness, The Template, Twelve Monkeys, Wrinkel in Time, time travel

Many people are intrigued with the prospect of time travel. In the third dimensional (3-D) world, people are taught they must overcome physical forces like gravity.  The human mind conceives and engineers external technologies that are imagined as the means to enable the body to move between timelines and worlds.  Reflect on feelings arising within you.

Pop culture films like Back to the Future  and 6 sample others spark curiosity and stimulate imagination about time travel.  The Harry Potter series links time travel with magic facilitated by wands, time turners, portkeys, and spells that enable instantly appearing and disappearing.  The stories prompt readers to desire to attend Hogworts themselves and learn the magic required.  Yet what if the magic is already within yo uand awkaening at you pace?

A Wrinkle in Time is also viewed as science fiction fantasy.  It describes mysterious disappearances and people materializing out of nothing.  Different ways to collapse time and space are viewed as rare or out of reach, yet are they?  What if mysteries simply describe phenomena that are poorly understood on an energetic level?

Film and book scenarios aside, when you are ready to see from a fifth dimensional (5-D) or more expansive view (that includes all dimensions), you begin to view time travel as an experience within rather than outside yourself.  How far and wide you travel depends on how deeply you are willing to explore and know your true being. Time travel occurs through the use of words, visualisations, and other means that reveal themselves when one is tuned in or vibrationally aligned with a variety of energetic gateways. 

The above said, what would a fully conscious version of being, that which is well aware and versed in time travel, offer as advice to you who are in the process of awakening?  What could be shared to assist catching up to the wider reality, more expanded being existing outside of time and space? What sort of reminders would you lay out for yourself? Consider these ten tips to remind you to see the world in a whole new way:

1.  You are the ingenius creation of yourself

In essence, you are that which creates, that which chooses to experience physical existence, through the ideas of imagined ego and time. Beyond all is beingness. Only your imagination (the mind) limits you.

2. This reality is a shared illusion, yet you exert free will in your own reality

Belief in the objective world, involves the illusions of self and other.  Outside this, we are unified.  You are creation exploring itself in a space-time mirror.  Time serves the measurable parameters of the illusion.

3. To change your reality, change what you see and feel about yourself

Perception is an act of creation.  Your choice of creation determines how you experience yourself and by extension, your entire reality. The degree you love yourself is projected and reflected back.  The degree you deprive yourself of love (and create fear) also shapes your physical experience in this holographic reality.

4. Trusting yourself fully implies you question everything you are told 

The more you question your beliefs, the more you shift your focal point.  Your experience of reality becomes more fluid and direct. What you desire manifests quicker as you trust yourself and accept your own authority

5. Ego is the leveraging mechanism of the self

Some would even say ego is the self. It exists to invite recognition of balance and imblance of our unique energy with the wider energy of the cosmos.

6. See value and lessons in everything

The mere desire of wanting to get rid of something stems from the belief that the thing you are trying to get rid of actually exists. So on one hand we have the fact that a certain amount of ego is necessary in order to participate in life. On the other hand we have the issue that the ego causes us suffering. It causes us to buy into beliefs about ourselves or about others that aren’t true and limit our experience of the world.

7. Take complete responsibility for every aspect of your reality

Youare the choice of yoruself. Release your fear. Fear is fear of the unknown. Fear creates limitation. Natural beautiful unfolding to life only happens when you let go of fear, allow yourself to be vulnerable.  All shields are a representation of a belief in danger. WHen barricaded behind shields creates the fear. The discovery of freedom is the realisation that the only thing standing against you is you. 

8.  Love or see a message about love in everything

Enter effortless creation. You are awakening to the natural illusion.  Fearlessly be yourself. Open and follow your heart.  This is your freedom.  Believe whatever your heart feels. This is to awaken to the equality of all beingness.  Every-changing truth is a reflection of an ever-unfolding truth.  No need for an answer when there is no probem.  There are no limits to what you can be.  The joy of this life through completely allowing your own being.  In yoru heart is a dream.  The meaning of this life is to live that dream.  Yo ucan only live what you believe you can.  You are free to be whatever you wsh.  You are both the creator and perceiver of all you experience. 

9. The answer to every question is within you

You are the creator and perceiver. Soul work allows your true being to blossom without limitation or self-sabotage.  The more frequently you listen, hear and live based on intuition, the more everything you need presents itself with perfect timing so you see and patiently allow yourself to accept and respond to what is.

10.  Certain messages register as pure light and sound.

Some communication is beyond words. The subconscious cannot comprehend it but activating biocircuitry of the Template comes on line along with energy anatomy as you are ready for the expansion of reality.

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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