15 Ways to Be more Zen
Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 3:38PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, Zen, acceptance, awareness, blessing, higher consciousness, intention, love, mindfulness, peace, spiritual, true divine nature
Amidst all worldwide events unfolding, here are some ways to get in touch with what matters and be more Zen:
  1. Review priorities. (What is necessary & what can you let go?)
  2. Breathe & act slowly and deliberately
  3. Be okay with doing less
  4. Immerse regularly in Nature 
  5. Designate time for Self-love/ selfcare & service
  6. Integrate mindfulness into everyday
  7. Face everything with inner calm and peace
  8. See everyone as a Buddha/ master/ mentor 
  9. Be receptive to shifts in awareness & perception
  10. Set a daily intention
  11. Create space for negative emotions 
  12. Cultivate wise thoughts & spiritual practices
  13. Face a something you fear everyday
  14. Choose love, note fear (fear= resistance, love =openness) 
  15. View everything as a blessing
Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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