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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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365 Paths to Love

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Be Your Dream

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Transform Your Life

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Daily inspirational quotes about life from the book Transform your life - 730 Inspirations


Cosmic Synchronicity

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This book helps your recognise challenges and overcome fear


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145 inspirational quotes to motivate your to be honset with yourself and solve your problems.




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Transform Your Life: 730 Inspirations 

Woman shares witty glimpses into the lives of 365 men and 365 women and how they inspire and guide her own awakening.

Benefit from lessons learned. Discover what truly matters. Notice how your own mentors are guiding you to recognize untapped abilities and dormant qualities as stepping stones to realize your own potential and reframe success.

Gain insight not only into how the author relates her life to 730 themes, but also take steps to explore points of self-reflection, and expand your own awareness through journal exercises. Write as part of this choose-your-own adventure. Notice it is your response to life’s situations and events that reveal who you are.

Use as a daybook for an entire year or, open to pages of your choice, at any moment, according to theme or indescribable impulse. Your path is your own and yet, it is also connected to everyone, everywhere.

  • Notice inspirations stem from varied cultures & walks of life.
  • Read 735 quotes that offer glimpses of universal lessons.
  • Ponder how you view the external world and self-awareness.
  • Reflect on ideas of succcess, healing & remembering.
  • Know this book is inspiring& you and others right now.

 About the Author

As a spiritual teacher, Liara Covert invites you to recognize that qualities you admire in others trigger your own transformation from the inside out. Her writing shares how the stories we create as our own draw attention to universal lessons and a process of remembering what we are not.  Read more about her books and events at the Dreambuilders Australia Blog and listen to her regularly on Dreambuilders Australia Blog Talk Radio and Aware Talk Radio. 



For media queries & appearances, contact:

Chad Lilly
Inner Circle Publishing
Phone: 509 895 9023
Aware Talk Radio