5 Tips to get booked solid

Anyone who has a business also aspires to redefine what it means 'to get ahead.' Decide what this means for you. It may relate to influencing positive change in your business sector, transforming a market, or other short and long-term goals.
Short-term booking of clients may seem daunting. And yet, like anything else, you can fill up your appointment book with real clients if you consistently apply effective strategies. Here are five tips that enabled me to short-term book clients for one of my businesses:
1) Listen to motivational speakers. I have Rhonda Byrne's DVD and listen that or motivational teachers. Uplifting thoughts send subliminal messages into my brain. I am reminded how I think and feel needs to be applied in practice for me to be effective.
2) Canvas. Background research is necessary to know who to target and also when would be the most likely convenient time of day. Show up at people's places of work and give them personalized material. Follow up within 2 weeks. During the past few months, I've canvassed hundreds of clients this way and have been punctual where appointments have been set up in advance. This strategy leaves positive impressions, and results in bookings. Imagine what you can do!
3) Create a vision board. As incentive to work toward certain goals, I cut out photos of places I plan to go and things I intend to do during the next few months. I pin these up on my fridge as a reminder to reinforce what I envision. I also have a longer-term vision board which i am constructing in a location which I will view often. These gestures enable me to focus energy in these directions while I also do things for others.
4) Cold-calling. This isn't usually a business professional's favorite tactic, yet, it can still be effective if you do adequate preparation and believe in your positive results. Attitude enables you to book prospects this way. I always keep my word when I say I'll call back. I'm even known to engage in casual conversation. As you learn not to exert pressure, you reveal your true, harmonious self and attract what you need.
5) Recognize energy flow. Get in touch with what you require to strengthen inner balance. Be ready and willing to assist others. Attune to positive vibes. If a client opts not to choose you, respect their choice and wish them well. Most people don't tend to feel they make progress as entrepreneurs without a sense of connection to inner and outer levels. As you devote time to develop different parts of you, the universe will react in your favor in unexpected ways. Explore meanings of energy within and around you.
Reader Comments (2)
5 intelligent points that are effective; Planning, action-oriented, envisioning.
If everyone DID this, we'd all have happy businesses.
Plus ethics of course.