Who pushes your buttons?

As life has it, you meet people who will test your patience. Certain people may seem to try their hardest to annoy you, or to distract you when you prefer to focus on what you see as important. Step back. Reframe situations where people 'press your buttons.' How else could you see them?
If your child knocks on your home office door to ask if you would come to his soccer game or help him with his homework, and you brush him aside, what does this say about your priorities?
If your mother-in-law shows up on your doorstep regularly to impose her advice, and you let her monopolize your time or run your home, what does this say about your assertiveness?
If your office intern always asks questions when you're in the middle of projects, and you lose your temper, what does this say about your role as an effective teacher and mentor?
If your partner is depressed because of losing his job, and he mopes around complaining, and you chose to ignore him, what does this say about your ability to empathize and support him?
If your retired spouse is suddenly under your feet because he doesn't know what to do, and you cancel your regular schedule to suit him, what does this say about your view of 'alone time?'
If someone doesn't understand after you repeat things three times, and you decide to give up rather than try a new approach, what does this say about your faith or belief in that person?
If your boss lies to you, chooses to mistreat other employees and you accept that behavior without reacting, then what does this say about the nature of your principles and ethics?
If someone you know is constantly negative and obnoxious, and you allow yourself to get hostile, what does this say about your ability to show the person compassion they may never have felt?
If an associate has financial problems and constantly takes advantage of your good will, what does this say about your ability to look after yourself or to draw his attention to root causes of issues?
Impatience in any form takes it toll on our physical bodies. It causes stress, raises blood pressure and aggravates the body's organs and immune system. Impatience can rattle your social life too, by straining relationships, and disrupting group activities, but only if you let it. You always have the opportunity to consider another side to distractions.We can all benefit from learning to see value in other views.
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