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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Beyond what you know

People dream of exploring new places as a means to better understanding themselves. They often imagine grass is greener somewhere other than where they are. You may think comparing places you have experienced with places you don't know will clarify what you really do know.  Do you ever ask yourself radical questions about travel? What does it feel like to go somewhere?

You would benefit from embracing more of the unknown.  This action could involve courageously walking into a new neighborhood or finding your way in a foreign land.  Ultimately, the most life-changing travel is experienced as you venture deep within yourself.  You can do that where you are.  How? You have opportunities to acknowledge, explore emotions and face your deep fears.

Nothing you do will ever erase all the perceived mystery around you.  Thus, you will always have motivation to learn.  You have abilities to progressively explore questions that begin to uncover who you are and what you think.  How you understand yourself is accessible by honestly outlining the issues that bother you and determining the feelings you traditionally refuse to deal with.

1) Seek & you will find. Answers to your own questions are within reach.  You must simply look.  As you become aware of the details of your circumstances in a particular place, you learn to define your truth.  Learning to read, intuit and trust your senses enables you to engage deeply. You see and remain blind selectively. What do you choose to perceive and why?

2) Open your conscious awareness.  Part of your inner self will speak louder to you when you least expect it.  Call this Higher Forces or even a Divine Connection.  You only listen and become obedient to the voice when you are prepared to listen to your innermost soul.  Where do you wish to go? How do you think you will travel?  Are you attentive enough to read your dreams? These clues are avaiable to orient your journey.  Access them when you're good and ready.

3) Confront sources of your fear. Recognise you can trigger your own revelations about what holds you back in your life. Learning the underlying meaning of your fears will enable you to overcome them and no longer permit them to control you. You limit where you will travel in your mind. Consider telling yourself you will dream tonight without placing restrictions on yourself. See where you do go. Aim to remember and determine what this could represent in reality.  Redefein a sense of freedom within yourself. Perception and possibility are choices inside you.

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