Not what you thought

"A man does not always choose what his guardian angel intends." - Thomas Aquinas
Many a time, you may set out with particular plans and assume you're meant for a particular path. Yet, how often do events unfold such that circumstances were not what you initially thought?
Its possible that your guardian angel is gradually revealing things you need to know. This angel leaves you clues to piece together to remind you what you already know, but forgot. Its possible that you're not prepared or even ready to receive all the details of your purpose all at once.
At this moment, you may sense what you feel destined to do, but you may not stop to think who or what has influenced the evolution of your perception. External influences may cause you to diverge from your real path. Never fear. All experience is helpful. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about life and yourself.
Timing is everything. As you reach certain levels of self-understanding and acceptance, you will see doors open for you that you never imagined. How do you evolve to recognize them? What would you like to see? Which doors would you close?
Your point of view and the way you sense the world around you changes with your sense of self. An angel can be a friendly reminder. Will you reach out to realize life is not what it seems?
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