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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Change of perspective

Some people discover that a change of scenery is exactly what they need to renew and refresh their perspective.  Travel can enable us to perceive the world around us differently.  You can choose planes, helicopters, trains, automobiles, bicycles, buses, mopeds, motorcycles, horses, yaks, donkeys, camels, buggies, rollerskates, sleighs, snowshoes or even your feet to get around. 

No matter what your transport choices, how often do you really notice things you had missed before? How often do you retrace a familiar path? As you take the opportunity to expand on what you think that you know, on places you believe you have seen, you may be pleasantly surprised.

My most memorable choice of travel today was sea kyak.  I awoke soon after the break of dawn with thoughts of this excursion.  The sun was shining and the glassy water off the south shore of Nova Scotia was most inviting.  I packed my towel and bailer and other necessities, and headed off in the company of my dad.  My philosophy is never to go boating alone.  This is a safety measure as much as a reason for building companionship and sharing memorable experiences.

We certainly didn't begin to explore the over 350 islands in our area, yet marveled at the seagulls and wildlife that were visible along the coast and atop the masts of moored boats.  At times, we chose to just float along, or stop to observe renovations underways on seaside cottages.  To inhale deeply all that fresh, salty sea air was the most natural thing to do.  I relished the silence and the "newness".

How often do you simply stop, watch and listen to the world around you? How often do you honestly do very little or maybe nothing in your current environment?  Remind yourself that a change of scenery could be a very good experience.  To leave what you know and then return can permit you to appreciate your life differently.  You needen't go far.  Life will always be exactly what you choose to make of it.

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Reader Comments (2)

Actually one of my favorite things to do is when I go to my local store that is a few blocks away! I love the area that I live in and while I'm walking to the store I just take in all that I see around me - the trees, the breeze, the people.....its just one of those times when I'm outside and I soak in all that surrounds me!
August 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAngelwitch
Taking time to be outside does indeed enable us to see and appreciate life differently. I'm glad to hear you've learned to "stop and smell the roses." In fact, it is this ability to step back and see life differently that can empower each of us to uncover passions and reframe priorities. May you continue to dream and take action to realize them.
August 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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