Where is the grass really greener?

People will share stories with me about unfulfilling jobs and careers. The most common negative perception I hear about is, "the grass must be greener somewhere else." Yet, is this really the case? Upon closer look, many of the individuals who appear unhappy with their jobs or careers are actually unhappy about things inside themselves. Could grass be greener right in front of you, and you didn't see it?
Remind yourself that fulfillment in any workplace is always within reach. This begins in attitude and state of mind. It means advantages can be discerned about where you are and valuable lessons are available. Yet, are you ready and willing to seek out the bright side? When will you begin to sense that every experience is part of your journey? Its never too late to change your work-related perspective. Ask yourself why you believe work life must be better elsewhere than where you are.
When it comes to where the grass is really greener, this is based solely on your own point of view. As an optimistic Mary Poppins says, "each task you undertake can become a piece of cake" or, like pessimistic people, you may perceive a routine as a tiresome burden. This is your choice. Of course, you have others.
Ask yourself how you got to be in your current workplace. Why did you chose (or come) to be there? How have your views changed or, why might they have remained the same? Decide what kind of grass you will choose to walk on from now on.
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