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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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More than a glimpse in a crowd

Some people believe you can send out energy into the universe and something comparable will come back to you.  Perhaps you don't think this is so strange?  You may hope for a special person to enter your life or, for a more compassionate boss to take over from where your previous boss had been. Will your wishes come true? And if so, why might conditions you desire seem to appear out of thin air?

Nothing comes from nothing. You have some impact on everything that happens and even on everything that doesn't happen.  You create the life you lead as the result of your choices.  Even invisible helpers help bring you what you ask for, whether or not you realize it.  How might they hear your call? Which sorts of situations seem to happen as you think of them? Actions and events can be extensions of thoughts and things beyond you.

For example, today, I experienced a multicultural festival.  Over 68 countries were represented by musicians, cuisine, and creative arts arranged in and around tents and stages in a park.  As I explored, I lingered to listen to a gifted Welsh harp player.  I bought her CD and continued to discover other parts of the grounds.  All-the-while, the mingling crowd was growing from ~50,000-150,000 people. 

After pasing through different tents, I figure ~30 minutes passed before I was inside the Polish cultural tent. To myself, I had been thinking how great it would've been if I had asked that Welsh musician to sign my CD.  Lo and behold, she appeared and willingly signed it.   I sensed her presence meant more to me than a glimpse in a crowd, so I asked her a few questions.

Connections evolved as I inquired about her last name.  She told me it was native to where my father had grown up.  She knew the coastal town I'd visit within days and it appeared her relations had attended university with the friend who stood beside me.  This harp player also knew a world famous harp maker known personally by the friend who was standing with me.  Some people are content to say "small world."  I tend to believe in far more than that.   What you learn from apparent strangers may not reveal strangers at all. 

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Reader Comments (2)

Thats amazing, was it meant to be ?

I have often thought about the freekish nature of running into an old friend or someone you know in completely foreign surroundings, in other words, it was the last place you would expect to see anyone you know, but you do.

Imagine now, if you were 30 seconds earlier or later, would have you run into that person ? Does this mean that you times by 2 of the possibility of running into a friend or someone you know, if only you were 30 seconds later ?

I don't think so, the universal forces are at work for reasons we may or may not understand today & may never quite grasp why, lets just appreciate the moment & give thanks for the experience.


October 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSaintly
Hi Saintly.
I believe in synchrony rather than apparent coincidence. I also sense we attract what we think about. Most humans don't even begin to tap into the true power of their own mind. Perhaps events like this experience at the multicultural festival are meant to encourage and remind us that postive things will unfold more often if only we choose to have faith in them. Call it 'the Secret' and access it inside yourself.

October 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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