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10 things that are helping my friend recover from cancer

Increasingly, people are realizing they know someone who has had cancer or, who is experiencing it right now. You may have known this experience yourself. Illness and healing are very personal journeys. No two people's experiences are exactly the same.

Youmay read biographies of seemingly miraculous recoveries and wonder how on Earth it is possible. You may ask yourself what is happening with your own body, mind and spirit, or those of someone you know. You may be ready to consider things you had not before.

In speaking with friends and loved ones who have been caught off guard with a variety of symptoms, I have put together a list of 15 things that are effectively helping one close friend recover from cancer. If you have another illness or know someone suffering from an ailment, these ideas could help. Healing is not specific to one kind of illness. It is a process that begins inside;

1) Believe you are already healed. Positive, mentalenergy goes a long way to manifesting well-being. If you do not believe in your inner power, then doubt sends out undesirable vibes into the universe.

2) Surround yourself by people who believe you will recover. To choose a personal and professional entourage who believe in your ability to stretch and gain something meaningful from your illness will help you grow and heal.

3) Respect the healing power of rest. The physical body works in mysterious ways. You are constantly mending and repairing, but at a different rate when you slow your pace. Sleep is a time when the body undergoes incredible levels of repair. Honor that.

4) Realize you have intrinsic value. Who you are is not based on how you appear, on what you can or cannot do. As you grow inward to accept what you can do at every moment, then you are sowing seeds of love. Self-acceptance has invisible, healing power.

5) Challenge yourself based on your current capacities. Chronic pain, fatigue and weakened faculties alter your energy level. Nonetheless, you can always find sources of motivation. It can be as simple as  getting yourself to the toilet, finding strength to sit up or get out of bed, or getting dressed. Each effort is a milestone.

6)Periodically redefine your priorities. In order to get the most out of where you are and how you feel, it makes sense to re-evaluate your situation in ways that reinforce progress.  It is not how many things you do that matters but. Focus energy in directions that move you forward.

7) Focus on your developing resiliency. You are in better shape that you give yourself credit for.  The more you reinforce the positive points about where yo uare and how far you have come, the more strength your will develop on mental, physical, spiritual and other unseen levels.

8) Limit your intake of news media. Tv, radio and other sources of media tend toward a negative slant. You have no need to hear about murder, casulaties and conflict during your healing journey.

9) Focus on what you can do. rather than think about lack or disability, focus on every step you take as being an encouraging one. You need not measure things in phyicality or temporality. Gauge based on feeling.  As you realize you control how you think and feel, you can focus on joy, determination and healing in ways that make sense to you at every moment.

10) Break everything down into steps you can handle. If you feel the need to learn things from scratch, then do not be afraid to do that. You only ever compete with yourself.  This is not a race. Patience, understanding, tolerance and faith and trust are the kinds of qualities yo uare developing in new ways.

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Reader Comments (18)

Hi Liara,
All of these tips are marvelous. Often times people just want to be reminded that they are not alone. Thank you for assisting your friend and everyone else who reads this post. You are a special blessing.
December 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
I believe every human being has the supernatural power. Some of these people realize it, and perhaps others do not. Not everyone knows the power of their own mind.

Previously, if I drank a glass of beer, my skin would tingle and many small bumps would appear on my skin like I had been bitten by mosquitos. I think that I'm not meant to drink beer. But I wonder why other people do not have any problems? They are also human beings like me. I decided to fight my allergy to beer. Contrary to my anger, I drank a glass of beer everyday and would't stop until the allergy stopped. Now, my allergy against beer never comes again. Believe it or not, that's my true experience.
December 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertikno
tikno, your experience teaches people about the power of mind over matter. Every person reacts differently to energy imbalance. If you interpret discomfort as an allergy, then this can be confirmed or not by an allergy specialist. Some people discover perceived allergies are purely psychological. How you think certainly affects your experience.
December 29, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Alexys, regardless of our own health, we can each assist other people by encouraging them to believe in themselves. The quality of life you create for yourself begins in your own mind. Not everyone inderstands this. As people discover their attitude highly-effects the evolution of their health and healing, they often realize they exert more power over the evolution of things. We can each learn to make the most of the time we have been given. It is not how long this particualr life lasts that matters so much as what we choose to do with it and how our choices enrich others. You may evolve to take the view that you do not exist purely for yourself, but for how you can learn and teach as you grow.
December 29, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

What a great post--and I would also add that your tips for healing from cancer are good advice for anyone who is suffering from any condition.

As you what you said about the prevalence of cancer--that is so true! Right now, I have an aunt, a colleague and a close friend who are all battling the disease. I plan to pass them along your guidelines.

I also wanted to stop by and wish you peace and happiness in the New Year. May 2009 be filled with joyous light for you.

Take care, friend--

December 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMelinda
Melinda, glad you sense these ideas will help people. More and more people know someone close to them who has cancer or who can relate to serious illness. Part of the message I send out is to encourage people to make the best of wherever they are and however they feel. Peaceful thoughts often turn out more effective that the urge to fight or the mindset a battle is imminent. You can always redirect energy in more positive directions.
December 30, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara. I believe in what they call "miracles" and the power of the body to heal itself. Your friend is very lucky to have your support: "Surrounding yourself by people who believe you will recover" is so important.

I remember a suggestion I read years ago to visualize that all the cells of your body are bright yellow happy faces. I've tried it and quite enjoyed the feeling.
December 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdavina
Davina, that is a marvelous suggestion! Many people underestimate the power of visualisation. Human beings who practice deep meditation grasp consistent results, yet the energy of visualisation is accessble to anyone who believes in it. Many people spend their lives pursuing things without learning to shift their minds to what is actually more simple than they imagine. Recognizing and accepting ourselves unconditionally actually means accepting health and illness, balance and imbalance because opposities exist for the purpose of balance. You live what you focus on. That may seem hard to swallow.
December 30, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Those are ten lovely and wise suggestions, Liara... They simply FEEL healing as I read them. Blessings to you.
I have added your link to my new blog :)
Loving Annie
January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoving Annie
Loving Annie, every moment, each human being is redefining the impossible. They are learning to detach from the destructive conditioning and mindsets that disturb their core peace of mind. We each take different paths back to rediscover how to rely on ourselves. People can choose to be open-minded and explore possible reasons for their hardships. Everyone has the choice to be grateful for everything. Healing is a process.
January 6, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara this list is so valuable, I want to just spread it to everyone out there! (I stumbled it :)

There are so many people who could use your words of love, wisdom and encouragement today! Your friend indeed is blessed to have you along for the journey.

As for me personally I "expect" so called miraculous healing today because I have learned to realize and grow to understand that it is not only possible it is so much within our potential. Our bodies were meant to heal themselves - but of course we must first believe that to be true.

P.S.I absolutely love the new look of your site!!!! So well done!
January 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

January 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoyce
Evita, glad you resonate with the new layout. It was an experiment that worked out well. The underlying motivation was to enable visitors with Firefox as well as Internet Explorer to gain easier access to the contents of this blog. Readers have been receptive and pleased.

Healing is a process of learning to love yourself differently, more authentically. You may even evolve to describe love as a state of being that expresses itself through people so they can heal themselves. As you send out love, you will sense evidence of healing within yourself and others. Light-heartedness is a positive sign.
January 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Joyce, sometimes feelings we experience defy words. When you are drawn to something, it just feels right. You have no reason to explain it. This is part of your journey of getting-to-know yourself. You are learning to listen.
January 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
That is interesting that you changed as one of the reasons being Firefox users, as I have recently changed to Firefox solely without the ability to get IE and ever since then found that your site did not show up right, but I didn't mind it that much.

But yes, now this one aside from the great look also shows up perfectly. Well thought out!
January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
Hi Liara

This is so pertinent. A couple of months back a very close friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer. It was a great shock. She has just started treatment and she is having a torrid time.

It will be so good for me to have some useful ideas as to how to help.

Thank you so much,
January 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLifeMadeGreat - Juliet
Juliet, statistically, it is increasingly probably that almost everyone knows someone who knows someone or has actually been personally touched by serious illness. Cancer is so widespread these days that it appears to be a more common occurrence. Glad to hear that you feel these suggestions will be useful. Let us know how it goes.
January 11, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Evita, everything happens for more reasons than we initially assume. We beleive we are doing one thing for a particualr reason and it turns out we are behaving for many more reasons than we realize. Human beings are only ever consciously aware of a handful of things going on. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the big picture.
January 11, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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