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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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How do you learn to experience joy?

If you wish to know joy, then you must decide joy exists and accept you deserve it. Some people have no memory of joy, do not believe they deserve joy or, believe life is not meant to be joyful. You may have your own mental blocks to dissolve or overcome.

As you evolve to believe you attract joy, then you will also discover you create it. You learn to be actively and passively joyful. You choose to be aware or not. You may notice when you create these feelings or not. If you do not choose to notice, then it does not mean joy is not within. Your mindset may not be ready to consciously accept that.

To find joy everywhere, you must be prepared to believe that joy takes many more forms than you consciously discern. You must be willing to adapt your perception and accept that joy is more or different than you thought. It is not only what you feel as a reflex or reward after certain experiences. Your current associations and conditioning prevent you from experiencing joy continually.Perpetual joy is available to every being.

Part of you believes you are only meant to evoke positive feelings under limited circumstances. And yet, joy is a form of serenity of the soul that is ever-present and ever-beckoning. Joy is not something deserved or not. You are your own judge. Joy and judge exist within. It is your choice to find it, experience it or, not. Why conceal your own intrinsic self-worth, confidence, faith and trust?

When people do not grasp how spiritual forces work, they convince themselves they are unable to build unconditional happiness. Who told you it’s not possible, appropriate, suitable or achievable? Ask yourself what kind of life that person leads. People often project their own fear and ignorance. If someone tells you love does not exist because they do not live it, remind yourself opinion is not truth.

Regardless of your experience, you can evolve to realize every event, every choice you make, is a step toward a different understanding of joy and happiness. You choose every perception and focus of every relationship and circumstance. People with health problems or other crises can choose rediscover meaning and motivation in life or, reinforce their negative beliefs and feelings of despair.

At a given moment, you decide who to listen to and what subjects will make sense. Part of you always knows and experiences joy. Part of you also deprives yourself of positive feelings for your own ends. You are invited to adopt what serves you and to disregard what does not. It is a process.

Another way of viewing things is to sense every spark of joy you experience consciously is a way to dissolve what joy is not. For example, if you reflect on a situation in your life that evoked sad or negative feelings, that same situation can be viewed as a path to experiencing greater happiness. Your points of reference change. Your feelings deepen and intensify. The nature of joy expands. It touches everything and everyone. You experience joy and nothing else whenever you choose.

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Reader Comments (4)

Thank you for a beautiful post.
To find Joy within Grief is a strange meeting

December 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
Henry, feelings and emotions are always double-sided. That is, they have opposites. Where one kind of feeling exists, then its opposite is also generated. You may not notice this if you focus on the opposite, but not attuning to certain feeling energy does not mean it does not exist. This reminds you that what is visible also has an invisible side. When you look at your reflection, you may later notice you have a shadow. Where pleasure exists, displeasure also exists. You decide on the degree you will acknowledge and experience each one. What you choose to believe matters. The focus of your thoughts intensifies or weakens the feelings you experience. You have more power over this than you realize. You are evolving to become a master of yourself. Imagine that!
December 27, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi, I like this so much! I link this to my blog!ΓΌ
April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterirene
Irene, joy is an experience you have whenever you choose. Its a constant energy vibration that teaches you whener you permit your senses to detect it. If your mind is not clear about this, remind yourself that joy is constant, beneath all other feelings. Where does an idea come from. The depths of your mind. Originally, name and form do not exist. You have reason or motive to create everything you experience. As you realize you create your thoughts, you can change them.
April 15, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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