Chun-Ning Chu & 7 Stages of spiritual grounding

As a child, Chun-Ning Chu saw herself becoming a saint, but insight into balance and applying Asian wisdom guided her instead to redefine entrepreneurship. She urges each of us to turn on power within ourselves, the power we have forgotten we have always had.
Rediscovering yourself will enable you to manifest innate talents, and regain emotional control over your evolution. Chun-Ning Chu reminds us that at any moment, we all have potential to uncover extraordinary gifts. Her own experience reveals that accessing inner peace and realizing dreams occur as we explore 7 stages of spiritual grounding:
1) Awaken your intuition. This means to attune to the power of spirit. In Chinese tradition, this is chi energy. Christians connect with a Holy Spirit. Hindus describe this power as Kundalini. Masons call it Spirit Fire. Call it what you will. Through external guidance, meditation, devotion and Divine grace, you will sense consistent, inner vibes.
2) Ignite creative mind power. Tapping into supreme energy brings your hidden negative emotions to the surface. These include the six human enemies of pride, lust, anger jealousy, greed and delusion. To recreate your life, just redirect negative energy. You will discover you hold the tools you need to face all challenges and obstacles.
3) Explore what it means to be fearless. You realize you are subject to tests of temptation of habits and patterns. As you evolve to prioritize self-correction, it becomes harder for the ego to control you. Spontaneous feelings of love flow for no reason. Your soul may be restless, but through trials, you grow willing to explore new ways of seeing. As you struggle to accept yourself, you develop humility, flexibility and inner strength.
4) Rediscover the wisdom of love. You notice you can become less judgmental of yourself and others. Anyone you know who is no longer compatible with your life focus disappears. Meditation and spiritual practice allow you to access the core of your being. You grow to feel more empathy and compassion for others. You evolve to serve in your own way. Whatever you do, your initiatives blossom where grounded in love and respect.
5) Strengthen communication naturally. The more comfortable and accepting of yourself you are, the more effective communicator you become. As you willingly give up behaviors and beliefs that aren't compatible with your new self-discoveries, you will draw new and exciting people into your life. Your actions will be in sync with your intuition.
6) Sense a surge of inner harmony. You will know harmony only after experiencing it. Some people describe stronger connections with something beyond them. Some even discern intermittent out-of-body experiences (OBEs), moments when they feel united with something greater. This is the state where 'yours' and 'mine' have dissolved. Possession, ownership, 'your' work and the world that defined you before, simply vanish.
7) Become one with the Source. At this stage, the soul no longer experiences a separation from its creator. There is no distinction between states of rapture and normal. Prior to this stage, you experience various levels of attachment to results and experiences. This stage is where you experience detachment and accept everything.
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