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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Transcend the pain

Do your habits of perceiving and understanding your life serve you or do you serve them? Pain is a signal you can learn to explore and grasp at different levels of awareness.  What you sense in your present, or anticipate in your future is grounded in your limited view ofthe past.  How would you dissolve unwanted patterns and unlock your true intuition?

You only cope with pain as you accept and understand its message.  As you evolve to recognize meanings behind your pain, that is, the reasons for past emotional wounds in need of healing, the quality and intensity of your pain changes.  In other words, you discover more effective ways of dealing with it. You can react positively to pain, and find ways to heal.  You can encourage an absence of intention to dwell on the past.  The more pain you expect, the quicker the controlled will of your ego will thwart your plans to access your unconscious, and the harder it becomes to filter your perception.

Time exists only for continuity of memory.  This can seem like a prison if you ground yourself in your recollections of discomfort.  What if you released memories? In actuality, you are infinite, immortal and enlightened. These are your baseline states, often overshadowed by the turbulence of mind and your vivid imagination.  Re-experiencing pain is choosing to dwell on bad memories. Your personality manifests when experience is associated with the past and projected into the future as expectations.

Rest assured.  At the core of your being, you are connected with the love and light that define your authentic self. As you sense the knowledge and intelligence of your centre, you will sense it orchestrates not only phases in your physical life, but all the lives.  Something beyond you encourages your process of change and renewal. 

As you step back, you begin to discern you only act as an observer of experiences, but you are not the experiencer.  You are the spirit that occupies no time or space.  You may think and feel.  Yet, you existed before perceived experiences and you still exist after each one. Spirit is the immeasurable potential of all that is, was and will be. 

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