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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Experience "the real thing"

Some people believe they sense everything in one of three ways;  in terms of how they endure perceived voids, in terms of how they act to fill those voids or, in terms of how they choose to experience a real thing that was lost.  Can you observe without judging? 

Self-growth is grounded in the idea that you have been cut off from some part of yourself, and would benefit from rediscovering and reconnecting with that.  Its meaningful to ask yourself whether you discern voids in your life, and if so, how you choose to fill them.

Its common to fill voids with false feelings, lies and, beliefs adopted to fit in with an environment.  Have you learned to see yourself through what is missing?  Your personality isn't who you really are.  Retrace your steps.  Return to your authentic self.  Get back to your essence.  Memories of situations form your voids.  Will you dissolve them?  

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