To go everywhere, choose to stay where you are

Events unfold with their own force. Travellers are who they are because of what they take in and how they step back to see themselves. They define meaning in each situation. They also evolve to sense the invisible matrix that connects all events in time.
Are you the sort of traveller who goes with the flow? adapts and rolls with the punches? Or, do you tend to want to interfere, to control whatever makes the most sense to you in the moment? You can go everywhere and still choose to stay grounded where you are.
If you believe in infinity, you believe you can go anywhere, do anything. You may be drawn to unlimited possibilities and you may also sense a fear of going there. You may have no interest whatsoever in reminiscing about your past, but your mind power generates realms and recollections that reorient you, wherever you choose to go.
Detachment is a companion. It permits you to review experiences you had overlooked or disregarded. Was it real? Did the rush of energy and feelings shake you to the depths of your innermost foundations? A part of your psyche and soul each take the upper hand.
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