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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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5 Tips to experience increasing fearlessness

How many times have you permitted fear to take over your mind? At different stages of your life, fear may seem to pop up, as if uninvited.   It may be news to you that you create precisely what you feel.  You do this for reasons you may not yet understand.

On closer look, you can discern fear is simply an extension of wounds you bury inside yourself.  You're responsible for changing this.  What would it take to realize beliefs have no hold over you?  Consider these five tips to disempower your sources of discomfort:

1) List your fears.  The only way to zero in on the real issue is to figure out what you think you're afraid of and uncover what this hides.  Your imagination transforms aspects of your life based on worry about things that never happen.  Ready to nip this in the bud? 

2) Determine what you really mean.  If you feel inhibited or say you're timid, this isn't what you really mean.  In all likelihood, you fear external reactions and judgment of people, maybe even your own criticism.  This unearths the crux of the matter: your feelings about your own self-image, self-worth and self-acceptance.  Identify the cause of your behavior and you realize how you victimize yourself.  Knowledge is power.

3) Realize you have all you need.  A sense of fear often grows from a perceived lack.  get this: all lacks are illusions you conjure inside.  If you convince yoruself you're uncomfortable in a particular situation, why do you stay? why do you resist change?  why do you ignore the truth?   Does action threaten your sense of security? Self-importance? Nothing you choose is self-destructive unless you believe that.

4)  Grasp that your beliefs are innacurate.  Have you ever wondered if what you seek has eluded you because how you see the world and yourself is grounded in fear rather than something else.  You are the only person who can re-interpret what the something else mans to you.  How you think is limiting you.  Your views could be different.  Life is not as you assume.  What will  it take to stretch your senses?

5) Commit to move through your smokescreen.  If you have ever envisioned a worst case scenario, you realize things are not as bad as your mind would make them out to be.  Whatever the fear, you're still alive.  Your senses are functioning.  You begin to see the only thing you have to fear is your mind taking control and preventing you from living.   

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Reader Comments (8)

Liara ... oh how I love the succinct way you post these recommended lists. In my travels, I work my life's charge, which is to encourage people I encounter to their highest potential. This frequently happens at work. The greatest barrier toward this is people's fear, and the way they have gotten used to it, accommodated it, rationalized it, and then wield it as a weapon against change. There are two types I've encountered so far ... (1) irrational fear, indicating a phobia or uncontrollable fear response that is by now engrained; and (2) long standing fear in a stubborn personality, wherein the individual has delluded themselves to believe they are not afraid, and everyone else is wrong. The irrational fear can be dealt with by a willing individual, but the second long standing fear? Without desire to change, there is no contending.

It can be sad, although I don't spend much time thinking on it. This is their choice. As always, enjoying your posts.

June 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonna L. Faber
Donna, even as human beings sense they overcome certain fears, new ones arise and present themselves. The fear of helplessness arises when you may feel at a loss of what to do with someone or some situation. A useful revelation is that you may not be meant to do anything but observe and learn the value of detachment. To move beyond comparing and judging is a process that takes humans outside their comfort zones. You must be willing.
June 12, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Yes, one must definitely be willing. I find at times that the first barrier to fear release is of the unknown. In other words, when the initial fear is overcome, the one that takes us out of our comfort zone, what falls into its place? This unknown can often be the very most frightening and consequently a barrier towards freedom.

I don't intend to dwell on this one topic. I only find it fascinating and love to discuss it. Thank you so much for the opportunity!
June 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonna L. Faber
Donna, human beings who are competitive and view themselves as being right (knowing it all) are behaving based on a focus on a bright point of their solar plexus. Similar examples include anyone who is conceited, fearful, overly-sensitive (defensive), self-doubting, aggressive, possessive, envious or controlling. It doesn't matter what the person says, you can learn to discern unevolved solar plexus energy. Trust your feelings. Each thought, emotion and mental state determines whether a person holds specifically high vibrating frequencies or chooses not to do so. If people are uneasy about leaving their perceived comfort zone, then their vibrating energy is lower. They also permit themselves to react by accusing, blaming, attacking or threatening. You don't have to follow their example. You can chose to step back, observe and learn.

As you evolve to accept it doesn't matter that you don't know everything, your solar plexus no longer controls you. You move beyond negative energy. If you don't get what you think you want, you begin to sense you may not have known what you truly wanted.
June 13, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Wonderfully written.
June 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLance Gargus
Lance, great to hear from you! Human beings can each evolve to be clearer about about their own beliefs. One's whole life and perception of it is affected by one's beliefs.
June 13, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,

Great article, I used to be fearfull of many things, I've learn't to face my fears head first, it's never as bad as what we first perceived it to be. We are all scared of the unknown, it's a human trait, so the simple answer is to KNOW what we don't know ! Once we understand or see something differently, it breaks down the barriers & we see that situation or circumstance in a different LIGHT.

There is a saying from a star Wars movie by Yoda which I would like to quote & I have always remembered.

Fear leads to Anger
Anger leads to Hate
Hate leads to suffering !

Cheers & many thanks


P.S We all like to think of ourselves as normal. What is normal ?
June 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDiamandsareforever
Dymondsareforever, you decide what "normal" is at any given moment. You create your points of reference and decide to accept everything unconditionally or not. This includes yourself, everything you sense and experience. Do you trust your perception fully?

I love Yoda wisdom, such as in quotes like, "Do or do not there is no try."
June 16, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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