Who do you think you were?

You may have been asked, who do you think you are? When was the last time someone asked you who you think you were? This implies you used to be someone else and now, you feel like someone different. Has this happened to you? Can you place this feeling?
You may imagine you were Marco Polo or some other famous person in a past life. This may or may not be true. What is true is that you are energy that is constantly transforming and influencing your surroundings. Who you used to be and the choices you made influence who you are right now. What do you make of all the recent changes?
If you are discerning a new kind of awareness, then this is a sign that you sense life differently. As you stop comparing, it will no longer matter how you used to feel, the choices you used to make because they do not define who you are and what you are becoming. You are already doing that without even thinking. It is apparent in your increasing mindfulness.
Reader Comments (6)
The phrase "who do you think you are" is in the UK at least, a derogatory word meaning that someone is acting "above" what the person making the statement,thinks they should...or "are".
Yet I know what you mean...for me the concept of a single soul going on is the least of my own personal probabilities - souls blending and developing goes more down the core of my beliefs.
I quite often think of the DNA spiral as the Soul
all the best
DNA has personality on so many levels. Each component vibrates and emits messages that express an identity. Soul level energy is a tool and wise teacher.
I originally deleted this comment because I thought it might not be clear in such condensed form. Not sure but I think you may have been talking about one's current life, whereas I think my response spanned the existence of my soul. :) Maybe too large a context or completely different topic to what you were discussing here. But what the heck...LOL I'll dive in anyway.
Hugs to you,
I can only reply to this from a soul place. Since my earliest memories are prior to conception, and since I have a strong body memory that goes so far back it precedes humans, I feel I have always known who I am. My soul is so familiar to me that it is vast and endless...the best home I could ever have. It encompasses so much that nothing matters and everything matters.
I have always "been" (existed). Whether or not the "package" changes is irrelevant to me because what I relate to is the unending continuity of my soul, this very strong sense of ME. And since time does not exist for me, I simply am. The rest (including the package) is like props in a play, which allow me to have certain experiences and feel certain emotions. Why have experiences and feelings? Because I can. Because that's what fosters Life in me and allows me to “experience” myself, allows me to understand my soul and why I exist...even if there is no answer. I am completely comfortable with that. My soul thrives on experiences and feelings because that's what allows me to exist in “contrast to”, “relationship with”, as opposed to a constant vacuum or void, which I have also experienced and found peace there. But why do any of this? Because I am in love with existence....my own, others....all of it. Because I am.