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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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How do you get off the hook?

How often have you had the urge to find a way to get off the hook? You know, you have done something you are not especially proud of and would like forgiveness so you can move on. Or, you may be doing whatever you can to avoid the confrontation you desperately need to grow.  What about that?  Would you be willing to move beyond ego? 

One valuable lesson is that forgiveness from others will stay out of reach until you forgive yourself.  If part of you does not feel worthy of forgiveness or, if your shame and inadequacy stand in the way, then you still have issues to work through.

Another thinig to realize is that evolution and change happens naturally in each human being when that being is ready.  When you make an analogy with traditional school, its like requesting to skip a grade before you prove your ability.

When it comes to the thought of getting off the hook, you already believe something does not feel right.  Part of you does not desire to face something.  This is fear.  Why get off the hook?  How would this make you better off?  If you did something you regret, its an invitation to work through the guilt, shame or insecurity that tugs at you inside. 

One view is the point of existence is to find the courage to become conscious of those things that evoke discomfort.  This is how to conquer them so they do not conquer you! 

To realize your dreams, you discover it is necessary to sift through the thoughts and ideas that hide the truth from your conscious mind.  Human beings can reach this point of knowing, yet for now, you are on a meaningful journey that has context for who you are.

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Reader Comments (2)

Getting off the hook has never had good results for me. I am aware that it is not good to let things or lessons slide. They keep coming back until it is confronted. I am not perfect and right now I am facing another block wall. I cannot go around it. Beside it or over it. I have to break through this myself and there are no easy ways out. Time to get creative in finding solutions so I can move on. :o)
August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTitania
Titania, if you sense there is no way to 'get off the hook,' then you have raised your awareness to the point that you sense your situation is enriching you.

So, its not about "if" or "when" you get off the hook. Rather, it is all about how you will take responsibility for your role in the situation that bothers you. To avoid discomfort seems easier. Succombing to ego is tempting. yet if you ignore your own signals, you will be creating a more difficult situation which you will need to face later.
August 26, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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