Reconcile your apparent paradoxes

Analysis of the week submitted by Anonymous in Melbourne, Australia.
Dreams- I was seated and reading on a train car that was not initially connected or moving on the same level or direction to train cars with people. I could see a group of young rowdy people standing up between sit-down compartments in a red train car. I could see family members and neighbours in another car. They were dressed for a wedding. The train sped through a tunnel and then floated on top of water toward a home on the side of the coastal hill. The wedding guests saw a white outdoor tent and a decorated area. A few got out to investigate. Turned out, this was not the venue for the right wedding. The train vanished and I was in front of a wise woman. She sat in front of rows of topaz cryatal buddhas and pink quartz torsos of angels with wings, among other healing crystals. I chose an angel to offer as a gift to a friend in need.
Predominant Emotions- detachment, curiosity, love, inquisitiveness, wonder, compassion.
Interpretation- All paradoxes, polarities and rhythms may be reconciled. You are always learning, and not only in books! Everyone is not on the same plane as you are. That is, the focus of their thoughts and energy vibrations will resonate at their chosen levels.
Intense thoughts and feelings may get out of control. You may refuse to participate in the backward swings of polarity around you. You visualize what makes sense in unfolding events, and decide if you will create or perpetuating these environments. Nothing happens contrary to your higher will. It always prevails against the lower. You transmute undesirable situations into desirable situations without noticeable strain.
Moving on a train is like life's journey. Regardless of intermittent doubt, rest assured, you are on the right track and headed in the right direction. Whenever you do not conform or agree with everyone, this does not mean your intention and practices are misplaced. Nurture faith in your commitment. The physical, mental and spiritual planes reveal how your energy resonates and why. The sleuth in you feels what is right.
You are being encouraged to use creative principals. Forces around you do this with a great deal of love. You may not realize the strength of sources of support or where and how they will help you receive the messages you need in a given moment.
Reader Comments (2)
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