What is this all about?

Remember the occasion when you began to ask what all this is about? You had directions to get you to a particular place, yet obstacles kept presenting themselves as if to keep you away. You appeared to be doing fine, but on the inside, you were imploding!
It was dark. You misread your directions, turned left instead fo right, drove to where you had almost no gas, and then pulled over. Part of you cried out, "am I meant to get there?" You might have wished for help from a stranger or even for divine intervention. You might have shaken your head in disbelief. What is it about your impatience?
The fear based beliefs that you creat in your mind are the cause of all your hardship. They are the fundamental reason why you assume you will not arrive at a destination, why you secretly think you are not worthy or, do not deserve all you have or will get.
Discomfort arises to shake up your peace of mind precisely because learning to deal with uncertainty is what you life is about. You subconsciously live for this. It is about building on what you think you know, rethinking love and compassion, and recreating the world in which you choose to live. You are what this is about. After all, this is your life.
Reader Comments (4)
One of the biggest things I realized is just what you said, it is about us, our life. We do not live life to "impress God", to impress or live for others. Only when we look within ourselves we find that we have amazing answers within us.
The goal of living is to grow
xhenry :)