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"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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10 Reasons to face your fear

Everyone experiences fear. What sets us apart are the reasons why we create it, the ways we choose to react and whether we choose to learn from it. You can develop practical exercises to build confidence and break down your own illusions. This has potential to shift your perception and more if you allow it.

Brace yourself: every instant, you choose to imagine reasons for fear. You decide whether or not it will control you. You opt to confront your fear or not. Your behaviour sends out energy. People read it. You are inviting them to tell you what you think of yourself. Your words, posture, and gestures mirror for something deeper. Consider these ten reasons to face your fear;

1) You never know where disppointment is taking you. To reflect on jobs, relationships or roles you feared losing, lost or left actually paints an encouraging picture. Note how versatile, resourceful and resilient you become. Conditions stretch you to explore talents you never even knew you had. You accumulate knowledge in life stages and can share lessons. Your intrinsic value never changes. How aware you become determines how you share it and where this takes you.

2) You have reason to admire yourself. Exploring discomfort evokes intense feelings. Things may not appear to run smoothly. You may feel drained as you exert energy struggling against odds or an enemy you would prefer not to name. It may be a major inconvenience. And yet, underneath it all, your tenacity, staying power, and will to grow are astounding. Note where you have been got youwhere you are.

3) You can choose to reinvent yourself. Any turning point in your life invites you to rediscover your own courage. You are constantly gaining new insight into your personality and core nature. This helps you grasp which parts of you shape and perceive problems and which parts imagine how to solve them. As you choose to identify and develop certain traits and mask or disregard others, you reinvent how you view your strengths and weaknesses and what you manifest to the world.

4) You eliminate confusion. Just because you encounter fear, this does not mean you know why. The choice to explore possible reasons why enables you to dissolve misconceptions and eliminate confusion. This is also a means to learn how to atune to feelings inside yourself you did not notice before.

5) You raise awareness to new levels. Learning to step back and view fear from different angles enables you to increase your objectivity about yourself. This new awareness can carry over to how you viewother things. You may come to expand your perspective exponentially.

6) You redefine personal satisfaction. Human beings are on a silent quest to prove themselves. You have the power to create fear and also to use it to serve your own ends. Among your choices, you can opt to feel disoriented and negatively affected or, you can also decide to use fear to empower you on the path to greater independence, confidence, self-sufficency and self-mastery. You can draw the line before arrogance.

7) You move to sharpen self-discipline. As you learn you exert more power over your mind and control over your thoughts, you can learn to decide which thoughts to create and perpetuate and which ones to dissolve. As you discern what is not destructive or dangerous, you replace that with love.

8) You realize time is not your enemy.   Many people are unaware that perceived time is an illusion. Human beings create it for their own ends.  You decide if this will serve you and if so, how.  How long you sense a fear may increase the intensity and draw your attention to it more effectively.  Facing fear helps you begin to realize you are growing differently. Time and fear complement each other. To realize time is not your enemy enable you to sense how much it serves you.

9) You realize you can behave wiser. If you believe that you have finite amounts of time and energy, then you also believe what you can accomplish is limited and the time you have can become saturated.  As you decide to narrow the focus of how you think and what you do, then you learning to pay more attention to the demands you place on yourself.  You become more aware of how deliberate intent can be used to undermine or serve your own unconscious priorities.

10) You unveil the truth. People will jumpt to fear what they cannot readily explain or understand. Rather than accept something mysterious for what it is, rather than listen to your gut, you may deny or ignore possibilities that ly outside your comfort zone. Choosing to face your fear is an exercise in accepting levels of uncertainty.  It is an exercise in building faith and trust in phenomena you did not initially desire to see.  As you dissolve fear, you begin to sense differently. You expand the parameters of joy, bliss and open senses you forgot you had. You are already relearning how to use them.

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Reader Comments (26)

Hi Liara. These all are brilliant. After reading these my perception of fear shifted -- at least for today :-) -- Your descriptions gave me the impression that fear lives and breathes and just needs to be seen. I imagine myself hiding my eyes, afraid to look at something, but then surrendering, opening them and not fearing anymore.
January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
Davina, each person creates a personal map of fear they can choose to constantly challenge and revise. Each of us is invited to become more aware of exactly what it is within our mind that convinces us problems exist at all. Our thoughts and feelings are integral parts of who we are. As we evolve, we shift our thoughts, feelings, and perception,learn what it means to dissolve layers of fear.
January 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara, great article. The first time that I faced my fears was such a wonderful experience of growth. I saw my fears for what they were---mostly imagined with no base in reality. The freedom that I experienced on that day has continued to motivate me to move forward. I hated the statement that we create our own life. I didn't want to hear that I created all of the chaos, fear, pain, disillusionment, drama in my life. That meant that I was responsible for changing it. It was awhile before I was willing to take on that responsibility. People kept coming into my life and telling me that I was responsible for my life until I finally said, "Ok, now what do I do with that information?" I had to look at my choices.
Hi Liara,
This is really great! Facing our fear is important - because we all have it at some points in our life. Your first point is really sticking with me - the idea that who know what might become of what we first perceive as disappointment. Excellent thought, and one that is easy to overlook.
January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLance
Patricia, different kinds of growing up exist. Regardless of age, a person always has opportunities to stretch and grow. You realize your mind can seem like your worst enemy or come to symbolize your best friend. You choose.
January 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Lance, how often do people get upset when events do not unfold as planned? How easy is it to disregard that not getting what we think we want is good for us. Human beings can get arrogant when they assume they control everything. In fact, you unconsciously control what you do and can evolve to deliberately control how you react.
January 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Dear liara, this post is nearly perfect, so there is few to comment. Well written post...
So there will be a book soon? Interesting...
Blessings Rainer
January 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
Hello Liara,

Facing fear is the one thing we are afraid of doing and yet it is the only way we are freed from its illusion. Thanks for these great tips.
January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMiruh
Hadn't considered that we could actually harness the energy of fear and redirect that energy.

At any given moment when we experience fear we can ask ourselves do I have fear or does fear have me? You provide some wonderful reasons for not letting fear "have us" and hold us back from reaching our potential no matter how strong the feeling may be.

Looking forward to your book. Please do include me on the distribution list when it is available.
January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSusan Mazza
Rainer, no matter what we think we know, life still has surprises. As you realize and become more conscious of perpetual growth, then you achieve a kind of liberation that defies words and human interpretation. You sense it in ways that do not require anything from you but to be.
January 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Miruh, as the result of heartfelt intention and consistent practice, people marvel at how they can transform their lives. Each of us is becoming a kind of spiritual practitioner of increased capacity. And yet, this defies measurement. The value of the process is immeasurable.
January 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Susan, your queries are poignant and meaningful. They raise the issue of what causes a kind of cyclic existence or vicious circle. Each person has the ability to move beyond that kind of thinking. Some people believe that they must free themselves from certain mindsets and behaviours in order to feel truly fulfilled. You only ever decide for you.
January 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
We have nothing to fear but fear itself.
How true your post reads.
How have you been? Well, I hope!
Stay well, and keep your significant other warm on a cold night like this and don't get out of bed. Keep the love going. Smile!
January 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlance gargus
Wow. These are great. Fear is crippling. When we run away from fear we are not doing ourselves any favors. When we run, we get that immediate pleasure from avoiding pain, but it is like sugar or caffeine; the high is great, but the low is disabling. In addition, If we face the fear, we find that the real fear was mental and not situational. Great post. I am stumbling it now, so I can keep it close by. Thanks
January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJay
Lance, fear begins and ends as a state of mind, regardless of who is with you or not. Always great to hear from you!
January 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Jay, people can grow to differentiate between what creates and takes away from a meaningful existence. As each person grows to discern fear, and finds courage to explore it, then this is a step to redefine meaningful existence, one subjective step at a atime.
January 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
This is great, of course. I'd never thought of number 8 and time in that way, altho the older I get, the less I care about age, which is ironic because in youth we have all the time in the world yet tend to worry too much about getting older. And of course 8 leads beautifully into number 9 and the joyful big bang into number 10.

Well done! You yourself, wrote these, right? Very astute.
January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Janie, my perspectives expand in part due to the effects of consistent meditation practice. As a person learns to discipline the mind, that person evolves to perceive and experience everything differently. It becomes easier to discern which ideas are conditioning and which ideas come from the heart and soul. Pure love teaches too.
January 20, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara, well written!

I believe that fear has held the human race back in the last few centuries. Back in the days when America was first being formed, people were coming to the realization that fear is a major deterrent for success. We, as a society, have since then become deterred from success by our fear, because we have gotten comfortable.

This is probably the biggest difference between the older generations and the younger. The younger generations seem to understand better than fear holds people back.
January 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrey Baird
Trey, every individual is at a different stage of self-awareness. As people slowly sense their own awakenings, they come to realize what they have come to identify with and why. It is the fear of losing or not having that keeps people where they are. To believe the opposite of fear is hope and to evolve into that mindset is very liberating.
January 26, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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