You cannot always explain what works

A man shared a personal story with me. There was a period in his life where he thought certain experiences were a dream. It relates back to unexplained phenomena that allow him to expand as he gets older. He has come to believe one cannot always explain what works.
When he was a teen, he lived with his single mom in a rather memorable house. He started noticing how cold he always felt in a specific room, even in summer. Hair stood up on his arms as if to invite him to get alert. He heard noises and was unable to identify or trace them when he searched for a source. When doors began to open and close on their own without wind, and other weird things happened, it became disconcerting.
Turned out his mom knew a friend who engaged in séances. This man could apparently feel things. That individual had never visited their house. At that point, the teen was unaware of the implications of the man’s protective chant or the nature of the events that would present.
The organiser of this séance entered a mediative state, aligned with the room energy and asked aloud for evidence of the presence of spirit. Not only did a door locked from the other side unlock itself and open, but a piece of moulding from around the door frame fell off onto the floor. The apparent drama that ensued was almost like a movie. Some friends present during this experience were startled, yet others were sceptical. The teen was convinced the presence was not dangerous, but it remained an enigma. He felt serenity and curiosity. He opted to do local research.
The next day, he visited a few neighbours. Not being social, he had not met them before. He learned a man had in fact died in the room that always seemed cold. Intuition led him to spend more time in that room. During all the time he lived in that house, he never saw anything physical, but he believed in something that he did not comprehend. He felt the air. The presence of things he could not explain comforted him in the absence of his father. The house suddenly seemed still, peaceful. He did not discuss his feelings aloud, but something knew and reciprocated.
He now looks back in bewilderment at that stage of his life. He reflects on moments of pure intimacy with something not easily describable. As an adult, he has learned people tend to have a rigid notion of what is real. He recognizes few people expand on experiences that defy words and numbers. In his mind, those things that are profoundly real can only be felt deep inside to be known.The spontaneous imagery that appears in his mind is like nothing he learned in his technical field, yet this works.
It is said dying people exert healing power or guidance over the living. Yet, humans hesitate to say the same thing about interacting with the deceased. Many people recall a cherished person and a memory will stay with them throughout their lives. As you move beyond conditioned restlessness, you sense connections from beyond also enable survival.
You do need not look at someone with human senses to know that person is with you in unseen ways. Inner knowing is how we evolve. It is how we sense what exists beyond us. We are invited to rediscover and explore mysteries amidst the ordinary and more obvious. We are never alone.
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