What triggers a revelation?

Many people are making positive changes in their lives. More of these changes are conscious and self-initiated. You may sometimes ask self what triggers a revelation. People discuss what prompts inner evolution or the will to transform? Here are six explanations. Comment on these and share your own.
1) dreams
2) perceived crisis
3) subtle feelings
4) divine guidance
5) trance or spiritual experience
6) physical accident or illness
Reader Comments (4)
1) Through dreams we may comfront issues head on and pass through them to more spaciousness. Questions themselves are tensions and can be relieved by finding the answers delivered by spirits through words, symbols and metaphors. But the questions may lead to an internal earth quake releasing pressures where colliding and opposing internal forces ease up through a shifting of points of view from the download of new information and higher vibrations through intent.
2) A perceived crisis occurs when the ego takes a blow where it doesn't receive the energy fix it had anticipated. Other points of view, new inspiration, or an attack from other ego's may knock or shift the foundation of the ego, thereby weakening it and making the host feel uncomfortable. However, if we spin what we perceive as uncomfortable into comfort and fun, then growth and liberation from an old point of view is obtained.
3) Subtle Feelings can be experienced in many ways. One form is physical yoga. As one works through noticiable tension in the body one places their attention on the issue at hand allowing muscles to relax. As the muscles continue to relax, one begins living and seeing through new eyes. Subtle shifts are subtle revelations.
Through Subtle feelings one can also distinguish that one action may lead to tension while another action may lead to a more relaxed outcome. One can begin to discern if they are being open to new experiences or points of view or if they are being stubborn and closed off to life and the world.
4) Divine guidance can take many forms. Miracles, Angelic Visitation, E.T., or anything paranormal that blows one's mind and heart wide open. This also includes near death experience.
5) Trances are states where the mind essentially stops chattering and one becomes super relaxed. In this state, one can receive new information through intention more clearly. Examples of this occur during hypnosis, meditation, sweat lodges, and even taking hot showers allowing for tension to be released and inspiration to be revealed.
6) Physcial Accidents are not accidents per se. We draw them into our lives through the tensions we hold in ourselves. The accidents can have such great force that the tensions are thrown off or break from the body. The ego may receive a blow because it can no longer function through its normal channels. It is forced to perceive from other angles receiving new stimulus and ways of operating and perceiving in life.
Illness also is created through accumulated tensions and/or blockages of energy. One can say that any tension in the body is an illness or a disease because a seperation from the source is manufactured. There comes a point when the tensions become too great and normal routines are disrupted. Ironically, through fear, one can change daily patterns to become more healthy where blockages dissolve and revelations are achieved.
Through revelations we can see and feel what we are doing as we participate more fully in each moment.
Positive changes are so good for us. I do believe that all change can be construed as positive because it either forces us or gently pushes us in another direction towards an internal shift. Once we shift in consciousness, we begin to welcome and initiate change.