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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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The world is your genie

What you think about becomes your experience. Careful. Every idea that enters your mind, every word that leaves your mouth, resonates an energy vibration.  Every one is already working to make things happen.  You may not see the unseen 'progress,' but lots of things are already on the way.

Listen to people around you. Do you notice how certain people choose to focus on their perception of worst things in a given situation? May be you go out to dinner and people around you are focusing on what did not go right, on views of what could have been better.  These people allow judgment to shape their vibration and mindset.  They detach from inner centredness.

Every person is responsible for their inner state.  Some people forget.  As you become aware of your base frequency and emotional currents, you begin to realize that how you feel inside is reflected in your behavior and word choices.  Many unconscious patterns can easily be dropped as you raise awareness.  As you reconnect with your natural state, you recognize you can release emotional burdens anytime.    

Listen to yourself. What kinds of internal messages are you sending right now? What is the nature of words you utter? Which messages are you sending? Notice whether or not you are consistent.  All emotion is meaningful in the process of awakening.  Everything is now. The world is your genie.

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Reader Comments (11)

Once we start listening, we can become magicians! The tricky part is remembering to pay attention---at least until it becomes second nature.
October 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJulie
Liara -- I used to be such a negative person, but have been working on this. For awhile, I actually put a hair rubber band on my wrist and popped it when I started "negative talk." I had to stop because my wrist hurt too much.

Now, I try to catch a negative and change into a positive. It does make a difference when I do this in how things happen and how I see them.

Thanks for this post. I enjoyed it:~)
October 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSara
Julie, everyone is a magician with untapped, inner power. You add dimensions to existence as you grow present and realize what is possible. One is fully conscious in a void.
October 2, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,

I really love the title of this post. It says it all. I wake up with love and I go to bed with love. It is not hard to tell oneself, "I am love today." It attracts a very uplifting energy. I can tell it works from the way people react - it's magic.
October 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Sara, you may appreciate an exercise adopted by a friend of mine. This woman grew very self-critical and regularly used negative words to describe herself. She put a glass jar on the kitchen table and added a pebble each time she described herself in a negative light. As she grew more aware of what she was doing, she chose to stop using those negative words. Instead of verbal reprimand or other self-punishment, she chooses to forgive herself and opts to learn words of love. I sense she is going to start a new jar to keep track of the loving thoughts she voices to appreciate self. Affirmations change eveything. One moves to re-align with baseline unconditional love.
October 2, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Alexys, to resonate gratitude and love energy vibrates far and wide. Conscious self-acceptance harnesses magical energy that the physical senses do not discern. You are already transforming the self and sending out positive vibrations to help raise energy awareness of others. As you observe your thoughts and feelings in the moment, you are attuned with what is essential to be present. This expands consciousness, pure love and inspires.
October 2, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Whats interesting is that when you begin to forgive the inner world and keep your self from wishing anything new into the outer world, you can see that when you finally do make a wish, it certainly does manifest very quickly with profound and wide ranging effects. The power becomes strong, direct, and concentrated. I can see why wishes were limited to three by the Genie in the old days. :)

It certainly is related to the magnetic power of attraction.
I remember once a long long time ago in the kingdom of Winthrop, I got worked up emotionally about the dictatorial realm of the Forest Service while driving down a country road. In the opposite direction a vehicle was pulling a camper and he started crossing into my lane. Amazingly, my car was headed into his lane and was beyond my control. It was like the car wanted to collide with his. I had to put all my strength into turning away from him to release my self from the gravitational pull that was occurring. I knew deep down that this person was wrapped up in the same story I was in that moment. We were momentarily in the same place. It woke me up to the effects of a negative emotional state and how it drew drasticly into my life a mirror image of my self that almost obliterated the self. So the moral of course is take care of your thoughts and the Genie will take care of you.
October 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStille Momente
Bernie, one view is that 'negative' experience arises as the result of degrees of unconsciousness. Wake-up calls are self-created. Some are ego-created. As you grow more conscious, drama dissipates. Complete acceptance is the end of the drama. You appreciate what is happening and find advantages in it. Inner conflict falls away as the demands and expectations of the mind diminish. Silence is a most profound inner message. Nothing is all there is.
October 2, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. I'm tired today, and frustrated when the little things go wrong - as they did this morning. So when I had a meeting this afternoon re my Mum I was still frustrated with everything from this a.m. and didn't give of my best at the meeting. So I should have spent time taking stock, before going to the meeting .. which I had intended to do - but things weren't right with my uncle's move across to where my mother is .. and I had to sort things out.

Interesting that we're all in charge of our own genie .. I look forward to the day when I am in control of my own life again ..

Thanks - all the best - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
October 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, every human being is always in control of how he reacts to a given set of circumstances. You may not be able to control or predict all those things that seem to occur around you, but you do decide what choices you will make in response. You respond in frustration and resist what is happening or, choose to accept everything, and find the wisdom revealed. It is always possible to shift focus, sense valuable lessons, and choose to love and accept everyone as they are, including yourself.
October 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. probably what I needed to hear .. thank you!

All the best Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
October 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary

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