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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Enter into multi-dimensional shapes

If you happen to begin dreaming of rotating cubes and other multi-dimensional shapes, you may not yet see how this relates to your life.  You may not yet know why you are creating a reality you are creating.  It may seem like a bad dream. You are beginning to realize that everything arises from sacred geometry.  In dreamworlds, you see multi-dimentionally and decide what is to emerge on a linear time and physical experience.

Numbers and shapes speak a language. Living, breathing entities are more diverse than the mind can comprehend. Dialogue with sacred geometry is ongoing.  As you enter into the thought process of shapes and sounds of silence, you peer through a looking glass into a dream world.  Multi-dimensional shapes connect in a web of energy lines.  The shapes are windows into soul as well as doorways to different levels of awareness and existence in different dimensions.  Connect to the collective memory.

When you think of Earth, you may dream of a sphere in constant motion.  As you realize the human mind only focuses on fragments of reality, you deepen insight into the range and speeds of energy.  Every shape like another doorway to another point of departure into a different kind of existence.  Imagine the dream world existed before your sense of the Earth.

If you are tired of the drama in the external world, turn inward.  Discover from where everything emerges. It happens without effort when you're ready.  Open yourself to feel the nature of your beliefs. Tap into the power of creation.  It arises in every shape.  Every moment, you are gauging how much to allow self to remember.

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Reader Comments (8)

Hi Liara .. one day I will have a better comprehension and understanding, though perhaps I can accept the overview of what you're saying - just the knowledge of being able to let go of the present will come in its own time.

All the best - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
I read an interesting story yesterday about what if we lived in a two dimensional world, and suddenly a sphere arrived from somewhere else. Let say it entered the atmosphere and what people could only see was a point in the sky. As it flew closer to them and passed over head, they could see a flat disc shaped circle. As it made its way across the horizon, they could only see a single point moving across the sky once again. However, from a three dimensional point of view, the object was always a sphere, but was never recognized as such.

Therefore, if the people of the two-dimensional world were to raise their awareness or persoanl energy vibration, they would be able to rise up or ascend to the third- dimension to see more clearly a world that was always there, but one that was apparently partially invisible to them.

This brings crop circles to mind. What if there is so much more to see with crop circles from the view of higher dimensions. Maybe the signature extends into the earth and into the sky like a vessel, but we can only see its flat imprint. ?

All energy is alive whether it be shapes or numbers or images. There is life force behind it. Its essence interacts with us and reshapes us. It changes us forever through contact with our personal aura or energy field. The colours in rooms affects our moods. They speak to us in a unique way. They whisper about the sensations of life. Therefore everything speaks and says something unique to every individual since the personal interaction between energy fields at any given moment is a once in a multiple lifetime event. A dialogue is always in progress as energy dances with one another. The touching or mating of vibrational fields speaks volumes. Our words for the event is a descrption of what both entities experience. What if what comes out of your mouth as you feel something is a collaborative effort of two sentient beings making love with one another?
October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Liara. This post has motivated me to expand my awareness and energy to include inanimate objects as well as those I consider animated. Although the moon gives off no light of its own, it's radiance still touches the multitudes.

@Bern. Very enlightening perspective. Thanks for sharing.
October 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercordie
Bern, you identify a multi-dimensional revelation. What one chooses to experience is limited or perpetually expanding in more directions than are detected by the conscious mind. Some people sense problems where others discern remarkable opportunities or nothing.

As a person moves to a mental place where time has no meaning, then existence ceases to be. Without time, past and future dissolve. Even now has no point of reference. To sense you have unlimited time is like having no time constraint and no time at all. Lifetimes run together, no longer seem disconnected. They are all one in the same.

Love energy expands everywhere. Some people sense they do not make love so much as turn themselves inward or inside out to emerge as love. No effort is required to be.
October 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Dearest Liara ~ If nothing is everything, then it is the "All"

"No-one and Anyone
Earth by April
Wish by Spirit
and if by yes."


October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
Henry, qi energy offers an analogy. It is everyone and everything. Nothing we experience is not energy. This is what we are. No experience is beyond consciousness. Nothing has independent existence outside awareness. It is omnicient just as every being that reconnects with form as earth, water, fire, wind, space and consciousness. To flow through nothing is thus to be everything.
October 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
cordie, everything is light and energy and reflects light and energy. To choose to be open to new ways of sensing is to expand and feel more at ease in the process.
October 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, everything in physical life can be explored in different ways. Your experience is based on your level of openness, the nature of your filters (beliefs) and also your conscious awareness. Notice you can often learn as much from recognizing you do not understand things as you learn from being aware you reach goals. Every experience or perception is a source of valuable information.

Rest assured, you never invite into your life anything you are not ready for. When the mind wants to decode something and you feel resistance or confusion, such feelings point to something deeper. You are realizing you can feel your way along. This is a heartfelt approach to life which differs from conditioned logic and reason.
December 23, 2014 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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