Exchange meditation stories

Many people meditate without exerting effort. Other people exert enormous effort and wonder if they are doing it right. Take a moment to reflect on where and when you meditate. Share a personal story. How does meditation enable you to sense the world around you differently? Who or what inspires you to meditate. How do you describe the experience?
Reader Comments (15)
Several years back I began laying down and focusing on the tensions in my body. I developed the belief that the tensions or tightness I felt held memories and issues from my past. I would place my attention with my third eye in these places with the expectation of getting a visual of the event that created the blockage. I would pick up peoples names and faces and certain memories would come back into the forefront of the mind. I revisited these scenes and offered forgiveness to the event, the people, and to my self. What I found, especially in the prostate and genital areas, that there were many many layers of events that built subtle tensions to create the feeling of the greater outwardly physical tension. With each forgiveness, I could literally feel the body ease up and the muscles relax. It was like an emotional yoga.
In the past year or more I have been meditating through how I breath. I will draw in energy or white light or other colours from high up above my crown chakra as I walk or sit or interact in society. Sometimes I will draw energy up from the earth at the same time as I receive energy through my crown chakra, and will have the energy meet at my heart, and will exhale the energy out into the environment from the heart chakra with the intention of cleansing my self of negativity and of the earth of its negative charge. At first breathing in this manner was difficult and clumsy, but it has become my norm in life. This type of breathing coincided with the feeling that I was protected and was no longer worried about psychic attacks.
Last week I began a meditation where my heart center is a crystal and I would draw in new cosmic energy from high above my crown chakra bridging my heart with the intention of dissolving charges, and therefore duality and polarity within my being. Then I would imagine the earth with its core as a crystal and would overlap and align my energy with the earth and would draw in from space for the earth new energy to increase the earths vibration and to free it from negativity.
Last month I received the Insight that any ritual or cycle in life and nature can be used to attach a subroutine to it. In other words, a ritual or habit when fully stepped into can have an intention or prayer or wish attached to it. So for example, if you are washing the dishes, you dream or imagine the dirt or negativity to be purified or dissolved as the dishes are cleansed. If you are taking a shower, you baptize your self into the moment and wash away your karma. When you eat broccoli, the greenness of the vegetable will strengthen the Heart as you fully digest this idea into your essence. Anything can be applied. Its all a matter of being creative with your magic wand. In this way, every action becomes even more meaningful. Its a meditative act of blessing the Moment and the World.
I've become inspired to meditate over the years, but especially recently with the input I've read on other friends' blogs and the benefits people gain.
Janice, our Healing Touch therapist, is an amazing example of life conducted spiritually - so I have a loving human to link in with .. as time frees me up a little.
Thanks - all the best - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
Now if I want to meditate I just drift atop my own thoughts and it's beautiful. Or I just sit on a bench by the river and listen to the wind in the leaves.
I enjoyed reading everyone's experiences. For me, the simplest meditation is to be the witness, being aware of awareness itself. Visualization meditations like Bernie mentioned are beautiful for awareness and aligning to the energies that surround and move through our beings.