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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Exchange meditation stories

Many people meditate without exerting effort. Other people exert enormous effort and wonder if they are doing it right. Take a moment to reflect on where and when you meditate. Share a personal story. How does meditation enable you to sense the world around you differently? Who or what inspires you to meditate. How do you describe the experience?

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Reader Comments (15)

I can relate to all of the descriptions of meditation that you touched upon. I think that's because there are a lot of different types of meditation, and they take us different places, and then, of course, some days we are more naturally connected to our essence that others. So sometimes just daily living feels like meditation. For me, this often happens very easily in nature. And other times, meditation is a bit of 'work' - we have to exercise effort to at the very least clear out or slow down our awareness from its busy stimuli. And then we can settle into a more natural, effortless feeling.
October 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLisa (Mommy Mystic)
How I meditate has changed termendously over the years. I used to practice a walking meditation where I would quiet the mind and acknowledge the plants, the animals, and the sounds without locking into them. I had realized that a large aspect of the physical world had been invisible to me and I felt I didn't want to be disrespectful to Nature by not appreciating what each species potentially had to offer. I have done it so often that I now perpetually just scan or gaze upon the environment, and usually now just lock into anomolies, something that seems new or out of place.

Several years back I began laying down and focusing on the tensions in my body. I developed the belief that the tensions or tightness I felt held memories and issues from my past. I would place my attention with my third eye in these places with the expectation of getting a visual of the event that created the blockage. I would pick up peoples names and faces and certain memories would come back into the forefront of the mind. I revisited these scenes and offered forgiveness to the event, the people, and to my self. What I found, especially in the prostate and genital areas, that there were many many layers of events that built subtle tensions to create the feeling of the greater outwardly physical tension. With each forgiveness, I could literally feel the body ease up and the muscles relax. It was like an emotional yoga.

In the past year or more I have been meditating through how I breath. I will draw in energy or white light or other colours from high up above my crown chakra as I walk or sit or interact in society. Sometimes I will draw energy up from the earth at the same time as I receive energy through my crown chakra, and will have the energy meet at my heart, and will exhale the energy out into the environment from the heart chakra with the intention of cleansing my self of negativity and of the earth of its negative charge. At first breathing in this manner was difficult and clumsy, but it has become my norm in life. This type of breathing coincided with the feeling that I was protected and was no longer worried about psychic attacks.

Last week I began a meditation where my heart center is a crystal and I would draw in new cosmic energy from high above my crown chakra bridging my heart with the intention of dissolving charges, and therefore duality and polarity within my being. Then I would imagine the earth with its core as a crystal and would overlap and align my energy with the earth and would draw in from space for the earth new energy to increase the earths vibration and to free it from negativity.

Last month I received the Insight that any ritual or cycle in life and nature can be used to attach a subroutine to it. In other words, a ritual or habit when fully stepped into can have an intention or prayer or wish attached to it. So for example, if you are washing the dishes, you dream or imagine the dirt or negativity to be purified or dissolved as the dishes are cleansed. If you are taking a shower, you baptize your self into the moment and wash away your karma. When you eat broccoli, the greenness of the vegetable will strengthen the Heart as you fully digest this idea into your essence. Anything can be applied. Its all a matter of being creative with your magic wand. In this way, every action becomes even more meaningful. Its a meditative act of blessing the Moment and the World.
October 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
For me meditation is something that I can do in most environments, be it in my office, the car, at home, sitting on a park bench. It does not take too much effort for me to quiet my mind and travel inward.
October 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Hi Liara. My walks are meditative. I'm a nature spirit true and true and find things expand incredibly when I'm out noticing the trees, feeling the sun on my face or listening to the birds. It just unfolds... peaceful... appreciation. In comparison; I used to "try" to mediate in my apt and it become more of a forced practice than allowing things to unfold... still, I do want to be able to experience it anywhere.
October 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
Hi Liara .. As my mother sleeps more I thought one of the things I would implement is some meditation .. especially as I'm becoming less tired now that my uncle has gone. It's something I've been intending to do .. and albeit it's not quiet - I'm in my own space and can take my time experiencing my way to meditate.

I've become inspired to meditate over the years, but especially recently with the input I've read on other friends' blogs and the benefits people gain.

Janice, our Healing Touch therapist, is an amazing example of life conducted spiritually - so I have a loving human to link in with .. as time frees me up a little.

Thanks - all the best - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
October 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Lisa, some human beings sense meditation requires effort. Yet, to ease into it involves the revelation that effort of any kind is illusion. The process of untraining mind is also a process of dissolving perceived limitations. Regardless of approaches taken to meditation, one is invited to reconnect with self which is temporarily forgotten. Perception of "stmuli" distracts form truth. It is possible to reacha point where meditation is constant and enables you to merge with everything every moment.
October 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bern, all the examples you share (an others) occur simultaneously. It may seem to be a systematic process, yet this is part of awakening to different levels of consciousness. Different dimensions are aligning with the real you. It is a process of remembering what it feels like to be impartial and unemotional or, to open to what is. You do this wherever you are. The details of external projection are irrelevant. To be human is to shift focus from the pure energy that is you in higher dimensions. This enables you to have experiences to stretch your potential. A person does surpass weakness by fighting or thinking. Rather, he move besyond it by not thinking.
October 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Mark, another view is that meditation is not something a person can do. It is something he is. It is a frequency of existing, functioning and relating to all that is now.
October 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Davina, allowing energy to flow is to permit the true you to reveal itself. Some people experience it as meditation. As you reconnect with inner peace and tranquility, unconditional love and acceptance, you are opening to what you truly are. You not longer "try" but simply be.
October 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I tried too hard to meditate when I read "The Power of Now." I actually felt physically sick to my stomach after several attempts. That was maybe 10 years ago.

Now if I want to meditate I just drift atop my own thoughts and it's beautiful. Or I just sit on a bench by the river and listen to the wind in the leaves.
October 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
once I had a toothache and decided to meditate on it, so I layed down somewhere quiet and placed all on my attention on it. I felt the throbbing first and began to meditate on this, I could feel how it flowed, this throbbing, how it travelled, it felt like a pulse, the throbbing became less and more like a tingle and the ache began to go away. when meditating on this tooth I felt like I was only this tooth.:)
October 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertumel
Hello Liara,

I enjoyed reading everyone's experiences. For me, the simplest meditation is to be the witness, being aware of awareness itself. Visualization meditations like Bernie mentioned are beautiful for awareness and aligning to the energies that surround and move through our beings.
October 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMiruh
Jannie, meditation unfolds as energy flows, without struggle, without effort, without trying. You notice it, merge with it or attract it and embrace it completely.
October 31, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
tumel, you have this revelation that you are the tooth, the ache, the pulse of pain as well as the flow of healing. You move beyond the visible plane of existence and merge with 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D and beyond. You gain intimate insight into width, depth, diagonals and other angels, direction and context. You reconnect with all pieces of experience. To be in the moment, is to join the dots of inner self and heal things that may flow beneath or beyond your conscious radar now. You unconciously go through dimensions based on what you co-create.
October 31, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Miruh, people come to realize that meditation is an example of co-creation. By engaging with the higher self, you affirm imbalance and weakness as well as strength enad balance. You merge with everything then, selectively forget it because you realize you are everything now.
October 31, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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