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Expand inter-dimensional possibilities

During my November 15/16 Blog Talk Radio show, I explore some perspectives about inter-dimensional experiences. This program is acessible in the radio program archives.

I note the nature of multi-universes is endless. Diverse beings and experiences encountered prompt new levels of reflection.

During the program, I offer a few paradoxes traditionally raised by Scientists to deny the possibility of inter-dimensional travel. You may have heard or sensed some of these before?

I mention the example of a person who goes back in time and kills his parents and returns to the present, to a period when he would not have been born. I also mention a man with no past, someone who invents a time machine based on the advice of a man who turns out to be himself from the future.

Let's say no authority exists and you have nothing to prove. You can decide the mind is not meant to explain certain realities you experience. Part of you may sense that infinite paths exist and that severing one path is simply a way of creating another somewhere outside your radar screen. You are creating new energy paths that expand consciousness.

To borrow the words of one listener of the radio program: 'If a man kills his parents in the past, then a new dimensional or parallel future is created where the killer does not exist. Its like a new branch of a tree being created by an insect that messes around with a flowering bud.' The branch is a great analogy!
The same listener reminds us a time machine is; 'just a symbol that prompts people to think and believe they travel in time. The intention of doing so creates a flow of energy to make it seem it happens.' An energy being is reminded he only truly travels inward, into the labryinth of mind. As you realize you never leave where you are, its a conscious revelation.

Inter-dimensional travel sparks dialogue and inspires ideas for future shows and books. Some ideas suggested to explore in more detail include; soul retrieval, Near-death-experiences (NDEs), bloodless surgery (4th dimensional energy medicine), interdimensional shamanic healing, shape-shifting, and more.

What is your own understanding of inter-dimensional travel? How would you like to experience this more consciously? How do you do it now? What does it teach you?

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Reader Comments (5)

Soul Retrieval can happen in fourth dimensional travel where lost aspects of the self can be found by the conscious self, or by a shaman, where one can retrieve this lost symbol of energy, or self, back into the present moment.

When people are often not fully present and are absent minded, aspects of their being are lost in dream worlds created in the fourth dimension. These worlds, that some are unconsiously lost in, can be summoned back into the present moment, thereby transcending an aspect of fate, which creates a new course in one's future.

If I invite aspects of the soul into me from another timeline or lifetime, then together, we perhaps lift up into a higher or lighter time-line or dimension of experience.

Receiving Inspiration can be looked at as a crossing of or bridging of inter-dimensional boundaries.

Dimensions may be seen as layers with distinct membranes and within this perceived space is a conglomerate broadband of frequencies. Each frequency also has a membrane. Therefore, if this membrane is traversed in either the micro or macrocosm, then new dimensions of so called reality can be experienced. If you were to see and feel what I do, you would perceive yourself in a different dimension, because it would be alien to what you are perceiving just as I would perceive your point of view as alien to me. Therefore, we are alien to each other until we get to know each other.
November 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWalking in Stillness
Addendum: So I had time and inter-dimensional travel on the mind. I intended to move in a direction and suddenly I changed my mind. However, I became engaged in deliberate travel and I had to pull myself out of an energy field or vortex that made me feel as if I was going forward. The result was a physical hiccup. A light went off in my head. I created a hiccup in time where a part of me went off to conduct the task that I initiated and another part of me is here in this time line. This sounds funny, but it feels true.

Now, I decided to do research on the meaning of hiccup in time and so I googled: "hiccup in time" definition. And guess what the first result was? = The time machine theory. Reading this document, it refers to the Dharma Initiative. Interestingly, I mentioned Dharma in the previous post, and I usually don't use the word too often. I thought it was all a fun synchronistic event to solidify the idea of alternate time lines and time travel.
November 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWalking in Stillness
Walking in Stillness, every moment, the real you is in the vortex and illusions you discern aim to convince you otherwise. People around you who vibrate at lower frequencies do not have to drag you down. The part of you that notices anything other than perfection is simply distracted. Access to formless realms redefines freedom.

As you sense the energy within, core being is already merging with the universal energy field. Duality, inner and outer perception dissolve and you transcend the body entirely. Time stands still and you transcend that as well. To sense you are in multiple locations, forms and formless states now defies human imagination, but that does not mean its not your feeling and vibrational truth.
November 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
When I hiccup, I notice that I am thinking about something, and then I retract my energy from the thought or action. The energetic intention is forgiven. So, I sense that the action or thought can be a fated or repeated outcome, where the resulting retraction brings me into a new timeline or potential future with increased alignment of energy.

Therefore, anything that is new or inspired creates a new branch in time with increased diversity and potentiality. So each of us can pull the collective on a cosmic ride in infinite directions. This would explain how life feels like a dream. If I believe fully that something will happen, then I enter a timeline where it does happen.
November 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNatural Moments
Bern, hiccups are often perceived as temporary setbacks. This is recognized on physical, emotional and diverse, energetic levels. Perception of linear timelines dissolves.

As you embark on a journey into deeper, expanding multi-dimensional realms, you are detaching further from the mental conditioning of the physical. Your focus shifts from what you are taught as truth to what you know with unwavering faith in ways that defy explanation.
November 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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