What is difference?

How often do you find yourself comparing between and distinguishing among things that seem different? Some people describe this as 'human nature.' Others view it as conditioning.
What if difference itself is an illusion? What if behind appearances, difference is actually drawing attention to sameness? What if every taste preferences and experience invites you to recognize why the mind and senses convince you of what is not? What sort of awareness is emerging?
Reader Comments (3)
"What's the difference". The answer is Nothing.
Exactly... difference, other, spacific are the illusory, ultimately different perspectives of the same thing. 'Human nature ' seems to that wich is contrary to the intention of the creator, or expansivenes in as apposed to division, particularity, habit, consistency, wich is the realm of the ego or 'human nature', the ego being that wich is the exast opposite of expansion - that wich defines and is the contrast to 'god', ultimately god/ego being itself a duality, since at the ego level everything is a duality. In reality, in a state of unity everything. unity, 'god' or whatever is undifinable, but through the ego - through time and space 'god' can be defined as this or that, ultimately EVERYTHING being a different state of 'god'. Even the negative. 'god' could not be defined withouth negativity - that wicjh is in contrart to it's own nature, being connectivity, unity expansion, novelty etc.
'God' as an entity outside of us does not exist, only in the illusion, only through time. Our higher self exists in the future an another entity only through an illusion, an illusion of time and space. As time is balance to a zero point, we merge into that identity.
As our frequency rises, time ends, duality dissipates, for we cannot really exist as a seperate entity, only thoreough time can we exist as a seeming seperte enity. Time is the balancing of unbalance and duality, so obviously one balancing brings about balance, wich is unification, but not unification as a seperate state, but as a thing that can not be comprehended. 'god' is a state of perfect balance, the place of timelesness, statelessness.