Deepak Chopra & access Higher reality

The higher reality that is you is always accessible and cannot be ignored forever. What would you do if you come to realize spirit is not separate from the real you? What if you decide to move beyond limits of your physical points of reference and perceptual experience? What if other experiences are equally valid now? What if you stopped asking, 'is there more?' and settled into living what is? Transcend time, space and matter.
Reader Comments (8)
It's a lovely thought, and one that I hold onto. It's the living it part I haven't quite grasped hold of yet --- almost as if it needs to find me as much as I need to find it. I'd love to awaken more fully (or at least I think I would!), but it's a process that cannot be forced. I know certain things, or think I know them, but making a concept real is another story.
I'll stay on this path, though, for as long as it takes!
it is all we have
in fact for some
now has already
nice post and great pondering
Such is life, I suppose.
Your writings do bring forth inspiration and prompt me to think beyond all I feel that I feel. Thanks, Liara for sharing your blessing with us so often.
Peace, Light and Love, C.