Dissolve your illusions

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.
Dream- I drive a mini-sports car to the first of five silver doors in row along a long hallway. I am to deliver mail to five women. I slip mail under the first door and it moves, as if inhaling and exhaling. I ride a bicycle to the next door. After pushing mail into a brassy slot I briefly polish, I roller skate to the next door. After leaving mail in a box, I grab a kite fly to the next door. It is ajar. As I reach around to place the mail inside, a woman asks me what I am doing there. I pull my arm out the door. I calmly float to the last door. I pass through it carrying mail for to me knowing a physical door is illusion.
Predominant Emotions- determination, anticipation, joy, fear, surprise.
Interpretation-You raise awareness of transitions during a journey to deeper consciousness. Driving vehicles is like taking charge and initiating self-directed learning. You consciously take responsibility for each stage of your actions. As you make deliberate changes in your vantage point, this recognizes a move toward greater balance and objectivity.
Delivering mail suggests you are attuning to messages from your unconscious. Courage and boldness signal you are ready and willing to receive new information from your inner source. Another way to view this is you slowly reconnect parts of self that had been repressed or blocked out. To reunite fragments of self implies you move from rejection to self-acceptance.
In another way, you sharpen discernment concerning how you understand physical form. People construct ideas in their minds about what they require to live comfortable and fulfilling lives. The evolution of your thinking is empoweirng you to expand your senses and faculties. As you shift your beliefs, your experience confirms how you transcend your own illusions. You no longer need what you thought you would.
Further still, choices you make help to reveal untapped abilities your forgot you had. As you gradually discard mindsets you outgrow, it is like getting closer to who you really are. Rather than depend on external things, you grow to trust yourself more, move through obstacles and align with what matters.
Reader Comments (4)
How would you interpret this dream ?
1) How you feel. As an observer, you directly act or witness aspects of your personality. Identify associations.
2) Other people or beings. Each one is a separate facit of self mirroring traits for the benefit of your learning.
3) Environment and ambiance. More than one is often juxtaposed. You are invited to peel the unseen layers.
4) Events unfolding. Multiple actions require separate attention. Address action from perspective of each being.
5) The object. Consider an over-reaching theme or focus. If you are chasing something, what does it represent?
6) Outcomes. Some dreams have start, middle and end without being cut off. Other dreams are apparent fragments. Your reaction to each stage is relevant.
7) Relate to waking life. You have inside knowledge about what every facit of your night-time dream relates to in waking life. You may sense it reflects people or places you know, feelings you exhibit about particular conditions. All of it is related on conscious and unconscious levels.
8) Consider theorists. Dream analysis gurus approach material from different vantage points. Consulting other people can be helpful to step outside your own bias.