John Geiger & 5 Lessons about guardians

John Geiger, authored The Third Man Factor. He researched a group of historic events where angelic presence is proposed as the common thread. Its up to you to discern whether this is a benign, nebulous force or, an energy truly precious or divine.
What do 9/11 survivors, mountaineers, divers, polar explorers, prisoners of war, solo sailors, aviators and astronauts have in common? All have escaped situations they viewed as life-threatening due to the presence of a guardian. Maybe you can relate? Consider these five lessons to rethink your conditions;
1) Angels have no desire to prove their existence. Humans know a bit about the physical world, but they are conscious of less about the unseen spiritual world. To be unaware of your spiritual side obscures your wider vision. Those people who demand tangible proof fail to find any, but those who start with faith, find confirmation presents itself.
2) Humans do not perceive beyond their bodily sense. Unless a being passes over, has a near death experience (NDE) or senses divine intervention, that being has no idea how alone a believer in the physical world is. For many people, a curious phenomena only becomes reality if its discovered or confirmed by Science, perceived through senses, tested with reason, is repeatable on-demand and verified by facts. To see through and dissolve ego is to recognize the former contradicts truth.
3) A divine force does not judge human beliefs. It is said higher beings allow each person to recognize spiritual error or truth by degrees. That is, your own choices are persuasive or not. Higher forces realize human beings are not equipped to discern the deepest levels of spiritual being so long as they are human. It is humanness that creates beliefs from nothing.
4) People experience divine presence without seeing it. You recognize presence beyond your human senses. This is enriching internal, spiritual sight. It is said spiritual beings transmit spiritual energy through the eyes of consciousness, not the physical eyes of a human body. Only a presence can choose to reveal himself. Even if you concede presence is beyond your current comprehension, the truth is still felt.
5) True insight stems from expanding consciousness. To experience divine presence is to bear witness to something far more sublime and convincing than anything the rational mind can produce. As ego dissolves or, your awareness is temporarily shifted, the soul awakens consciousness to higher understanding beyond your earthly intellect. Only divine experience itself clarifies depth and mystery beyond words.
Reader Comments (11)
I struggled for many years with the whole idea of 'angels'.
Partly that was because of my negative associations with the Church (and frankly most Church teachings are rather fuzzy on the subject of angels). And partly it was because of a highly science based education and a conviction that the only things worth considering are those I can detect with my senses and measure.
My daughter convinced me of the presence of other forces and spiritual beings beyond my own direct experience. I liked the point you made that they have no desire to prove their existence and they choose when and how to reveal themselves. They revealed themselves to her and then to me (I wrote about some of these experiences in my blog).
Now, though I don't experience them on a daily basis, I'm quite comfortable with their existence around me.
But I rarely share that because I tend to get quite a strong reaction and there's no way to convince someone who doesn't want to believe.
The concept of "The Third Man Factor" was coined precisely as a way to separate this imprecise gardian phenomena from any human-conceived religion. Spirituality invites discussions about higher forces that differ from religion, although human beings have been known to assume they are one and the same. Religion imposes moral conduct and beliefs which reflect ego desire to control others. Spirituality is an innate, self-governing ability each being has unrelated to external forces or human traits. It translates into faith and trust.
Here are the two articles I was referring to. Hope they're interesting for you!
I have had quite a few experiences of Spiritual forces, Guides and Angels and I'm soon writing about a roomful of Spirits.
Your five lessons are edifying and re-assuring.
My mother used to "see" this energy. She told me once that when I was very ill she was lying in bed praying for me. She suddenly felt a strong feeling of peace wash over her and came to check on me. She saw a white light floating above me. After this she checked my temperature -- it had returned to normal.
I enjoyed this post very much, thank you.
I have personally had divine experiences with my guardians when my emotion levels have been heightened quite considerably beyond what they are the normally. Day to day they may happen, I don't seem to notice though. We are all different, that's what works for me.
Thanks again Liara,
Simon ~>
Always like to cruise your blog and read.