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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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5 Ways to surrender to flow of life

Many people will assume surrender means giving up something good, that is, sacrificing what they think they want. Yet, true surrender is something quite different. It is the key to balance, integrity and reconnecting with who you are. It is possible to evolve to sense surrender as precisely what you are.  That is;

1) Without resistance.  Your core harbors no negativity, no anger, no grudges, no frustration and no misunderstanding about self or the physical world.  Resistance is in mind alone.

2) Accepting of what is.  Your core reveals you need not change people.  This part of you is tolerant, grateful, understanding, able to reframe limitations as inner deceit. Further, focusing on now releases the illusion of suffering.

3) Yielding to natural energy flow. Your innate state does not judge or express emotional negativity. To detach from everything, cease to label or judge.  Embrace what is.  Take it in. Relate positive action and feelings without hesitation.

4) Offering relief.  Your core is untouched by fluctuating conditions, mindsets, reactions, obstacles and disruptive individuals.  Physiology, biochemistry, biology and unseen elements of mind- spirit, all adapt to changing external events.  Discomfort is its own lifeblood. The core is oblivious.

5) Inner Knowing. The universal insight of consciousness reveals you realize what is required of you.  Part of you recognizes events unfold without reason for dismay and dissatisfaction. The order of things is based on being alert and present. Your human being is changing vibrational frequency.  

"The creative process is a process of surrender, not control." -Julia Cameron

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Reader Comments (21)

Our vision is clutter like an apartment with too much furniture that you can't see the windows.
Surrender has such a negative feel, like you are giving up the fight.
I like to think of it as throwing out the old furniture and let the sun shine come into your life :)
March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBuddha of Hollywood
Hi Liara

What a good distillation of the meaning of surrender. You certainly have a way of condensing concepts and ideas into easily manageable forms.

I am currently looking at surrender in my life and this brings up some new areas of thought for me. Thank you

Do you think that surrender is a link to creativity?

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJuliet
Liara, I sense you are right about focusing on the formless instead of the metaphor of the ice melting. Focusing on the flow of the illusion of ice melting into water or tension being released keeps me in the illusion just as seeking to be spiritual keeps one from experiencing inspiration. I've conditioned my self to engage and witness the perceived flow of nature to tell a story as a wildlife biologist. Time to reacess yet again how I perceive the moment.
March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNatural Moments
Hi Liara ~ Juliet brings up the point about surrender and creativity. I couldn't agree more. It is truly "Going with the Flow" - My main creative area is Dance and here the 'flow' can be experienced as energy, spatial tracks and forms flow through me and the dancers I am working with.

The flow binds with caution and frees with exultation - constantly fluctuating between these two extremes.

However, I am referring to the creative process within the Arts. Life and living is the same.

To view a life as a creative work of art - the ultimate creation, is in itself a revelation.

March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
I enjoyed how you said we know this already. I find when I go with the flow of life, it feels natural, and I get this Inner feeling that says "see this the right way, stop fighting it" :-)
March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJay
Buddha of Hollywood, as you begin to realize you never had any furniture, then the spiritual dimension no lnger seems so much as a phenomenon you read or speak about. The energy vibration that comes form your soul defines every parameter you have come to define as part of your existence. All of that is dissovling from the moment you are born. You are conditioned to perpetuate illusion through educational, political, economic and other imagined systems. You realize everything you do occurs because of things you do not see but are growing to acknowledge. Now, life is as it is and you begin to do more than notice it. You sense it, love it, expand in it.
March 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Juliet, surrender is a link to all that you are. To let go is to sense a dimension of free fall for which bungy jumping is unnecessary. This reminds you what it means to experience intense being or presence. In other words, you move to feel unlimited joy, security, love and acceptance. You are in the process of disavowing any external conditions that prevent you from embracing instincts and listening to your inner voice.As you evolve to view self as free-flowing energy, suddenly, creative juices are always accessible. It is only up to you to act to tap into them.
March 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Natural Moments, many ways exist to take in information you are given. The starting point is always resistance or surrender. Non-resistance is the choice to detach from your initial reaction. This goes further than simply conceding another idea makes more sense. You are not placing another ego in charge, deciding you are inferior. Rather, you are gradually displacing a complete emotional level of your energy field. You sense the desire for control dissolves. You are freeing yourself from assumptions.
March 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I need to learn how to surrender to the flow of life. It's certainly something that isn't natural to me. I'm a competitive person so the connotation os "surrendering" is a difficult one for me, but a necessary action.

Great post Liara!
March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHappinessisbetter
henry, learning to surrender to all you are is to rediscover boundaries do not exist. To be in a state of pure presence is to sense what it means to engage in actionless activity. To be there in the physical and yet, to appreciate levels of unseen energy vibration. Doing nothing is not idleness or apathy, but a grasp of the meaning of inner non-resistance. Creativity is free-flowing energy. Let it go.
March 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Jay, to stop fighting "it" is the core point of physical existence. Many human beings do not yet realize they are fighting or what triggers the negative energy. Surrender as in yielding to what is is an experience that transforms you in peaceful ways. You step back and become the astute observer of a very particular existence--your own, now.
March 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Happinessisbetter, contrary to what you currently believe, surrender is very natural. Anything else that is conditioned, is not. To choose to transplant yourself in this kind of place is a conscious effort to get out of your comfort zone. The universe is constantly responding to your energy vibrations, transplanting you where your mind relays it needs to go. You are right where you need to be.
March 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Sometimes it's hard to surrender to my husband's way as he tends to be a very "energy demanding" guy. I know that sounds terrible. But sometimes I just can't keep up with his pace and life vision -- the material stuff he wants to garner and his lack of peace in life. I long to live much much simpler than he.

Sounds like I am a perfect candidate to take in what you are offering in this post. But how?
March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, the first step is to reassess your understanding of surrender. This is not what you assume. A sense of giving in reveals you generate resistance. To stop focusing on you helps the mind stop judging what is not you. What ego views as strength (i.e. superiority) is actually weakness. Unconscious role playing involves human beings until they learn to stop judging. From the moment you accept yourself fully, you also accept others fully for their difference. You free the mind and detach from the impulse to judge. You move to sense nothing bothers you.
March 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Thank You Liara. For everything.
March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Hello Liara,

Surrender is always so misunderstood. Your list sheds light on what it really means. #3 really speaks to me about how to truly surrender, to embrace what is.
March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMiruh
Miruh, surrender is a colorful concept that enriches every being who chooses to explore it. Yielding deserves a blog topic in itself. Your comment inspires a new entry!
March 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
When I was first told to just surrender, I said to myself, "No way am I doing this. They want me to give up, quit, after all the struggle to get where I am, out of the abuse today. No way." That was because I didn't understand that true surrender is just as your list describes it. True surrender is releasing the struggle and going with the flow of what is. True surrender is having the freedom to be who you really are without all the anger and fear that eats you up inside. Great article.
Patricia, human beings often forget they need do nothing in order to be present. When challenges seem to arise, the key is reconnecting to the natural flow of energy inside yourself. That is, learning be conscious. True compassion is always within you. Self-love is unconditional from the moment you pel away all the lies that do not serve you.
March 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Greetings all--What a wonderful discussion.... Just a note that I took a different perspective on a more conventional usage of the surrender concept here:

...I probably wrote it after a conversation with individuals using excessive 'appeal to authority' arguments. Too many people fail to realize their own power to enact change in their world! ....or so it seems to me...
March 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbrian

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