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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Reframe everything as love 

As events unfold in your life, the ego mind prompts you to interpret in ways that block the message of love.  To reframe, step back from what the ego tells you and consider the frame, or 'lens' through which this reality is being created. Understand the unspoken assumptions, including beliefs.  Consider how your perspective is enriched as you reframe everything as love;

1) View everything as useful lesson. The universe presents energy in such a way as to encourage you to create more loving relationships. This includes learning to view every person with compassion.  Through apparent joy and pain, you actually learn about love from many different sides.  It expands you.  

2) Reach out with understanding. Regardless of the magnitude and nature of experience, faith and non-violence are key. Reacting with fear, sefishness or other negativity, misses the point of why you exist now. Useful growth occurs through facing obstacles.  As one becomes aware, one has occasion to recognize and unlearn undesirable traits.

3) Recognize love as dynamic energy. This is reflected in the flow of giving and receiving.  Unconditional love is here whether you are open to it or not. Love goes beyond what you read. Love is felt by attuning to intuition, opening the senses and permitting all experience to touch the heart and expand you. It is about dissolving fear, feeling the bliss that echos everything and being that.

“A problem can not be solved from the same logical level it was created.” -Albert Einstein

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Reader Comments (20)

Very beautifully said Liara,

With true love, obstacles perhaps drops from one's vocabulary, and any experience becomes welcomed and cherished.
March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNatural Moments
My new lyric is about love! "All I know is love's the answer."
March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Natural Moments, as everything your sense and feel seems to lose its physical density, you may also wonder if your spirit has passed over to "the Other Side." This is the stereotype humans associate with death and dying. They assume seeing transparent objects and beings implies they are no longer alive. And yet, the irony is that this is a sign one is actually redefining the meaning and intensity of existence. Love is what enables you to see through what no longer matters, what the ego mind has devised and manifest to distract you from all that is only love. The consequences are staggering. Transformation unfolds in ways that are indescribable and already in process. You get waves of energy vibrations and may presume the senses deceive you. In truth, one only deceives the self.
March 26, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Jannie, what a tuly beautiful and open-ended thing to say. Your experience expands exponentially as you attune to harmony. Life transforms and you shift more than songs and lyrics. You remove all that is not you and feel what is.
March 26, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Okay, here's what I think the complete chorus will be...

All I know is love's the answer
Love's the thing to set us free
All I know is love's the answer
Whatever the question may be

I'll even apply that to a driver who gave me "the finger" for no good reason yesterday!
March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Well if this isn't the truth! I've just scheduled the second appt for therapy for my adult daughter and myself.

Sometimes I don't want to expand in love! I want to fight back.

Of course I know better. A good friend of mine reminds everyone to choose to only see the love. Isn't that a great line.

My intention the first time was not to defend myself. Of course it didn't work! So I'll print these out and go over them a few times before the appt. so my ego is in check.

It sure was easier to be in the chair of the therapist when I worked with parents and adult children. Thanks for the reminder and wish me well.
March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTess The Bold Life
Hi Liara,

"This includes learning to view every person with compassion." - so true. If we look at each individual with compassion and love, we will grow to respect them as the individuals that they are. They don't have to be like me or you; they are themselves - and that should be grasped and respected.

"Useful growth occurs through facing obstacles." - that is why the hurdles are there in the first place: for our personal growth.

"It is about dissolving fear and remembering what you incarnate to do." - indeed, indeed.

I have one question, though: the world needs the opposites in order to keep its balance, right? What if some people reincarnate not to love, as a form of balance against those who do love? What if that is their mission?

March 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMax Coutinho
This is very wise. When we re-frame with love there is no losing, there is no pain that we do not understand.
March 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Oh fear...

When I was 19 I was told of a place in which you could shave your head for almost nothing. So, I went just to save on a hair cut. That was the most horrible day in my life, in a way, maybe not the toughest nor the most sad, but horrible in a way.

With the boots I was wearing I probably looked like a neo-nazi of some sort... every homeless person, gypsy etc just crossed to the other side of the street.

That taught me two things: one is that there's nothing worse than to be feared; the second is that these young people, once they are in such a group, are pretty much unreacheable unless you dare to show affection; which could be heroic or even foolhardy, but still...
March 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMiguel de Luis
Hi Liara.
Hmmm... "Useful growth occurs through facing obstacles." And we create these obstacles right -- or, we perceive our own obstacles? So we are doing this for our own good. Ouch! I need a break from these growing pains. I've built enough muscle in the last few months to run around the world. All I seem to be feeling though, is the result of the buildup of the lactic acid.
March 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
"It is about dissolving fear and remembering what you incarnate to do".

YES! Precisely. I couldn't agree more.

I wrote an article a month ago about Overcoming Fear. I will go back to that article and link back to you. My readers need to see this.

Thank you.
March 27, 2009 | Unregistered
Jannie, when you express yourself authentically from the heart, you do not express yourself from the head. The energy trickles out your fingers. As you attune to energy, your impulse is to give love. When you love, this brings understanding and patience. Time dissolves. The choice is always yours. Love is the musical harmony of existence.
March 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Tess, you need no luck. You have growing faith in yourself. As you awaken, you find ways to rise out of any emotional rut you have unconsciously created. Guilt is a kind of self anger turned inward. A person feels disappointed when he does not meet his own misplaced expectations. To recognize your thought process requires revision is the first step to making positive changes that are compatible with who you really are. This is real love.
March 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Max, every human being is born to a series of transitions. If you concur that at least seven planes exist, then each being is born with the intention to experience at least that many lessons before returning to the other side or another dimension. After a physical life, an energy being changes form and the nature of that being's learning is evaluated by the being himself. Human beings goes through phases of learning and awareness. Some souls progress faster than others. Happiness and a sense of well-being is the basic truth. Any thought diverging from love is illusion.
March 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Mark, nothing is beyond possibility. Deep down inside is where every human being creates ideas and where everyone can venture to reconnect or reach what they have temporarily lost. Fear, anger, in essence, any emotion other than love, only exists on the surface. As a person learns to believe in the true self, he dissolves obstacles to perpetual happiness and joy. He peels away the superficial layers of something and finds love in pure nothingness.
March 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Miguel, showing love is the most natural thing there is. To be in a physical state is not natural. To reconnect with the spiritual soul is to begin to recognize dimensions exist that influence one's view of normal. Many human beings are disoriented. They gradually find their way back to love. When a person begins to remember the depth and intensity of reality, everything else dissolves. As you breathe more, you stretch in ways that are effortless.
March 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Davina, to explore the depth of discomfort offers useful lessons. Learning to let go of fear and open your mind in your current body is always possible. Only you can figure out why you choose to remain fearful. What is it that prevents you from facing your vulnerability? The psychological walls a person creates do more harm than you realize. The good news is you create them and you dissolve them on your terms at your pace.
March 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
What a coincidence, I have just blogged with the opening statement by F. Nietzsche. "Always, there is a drop of madness in love, yet always, there is a drop of reason in madness."
March 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrummuser
rummuser, one's ordinary mind is full of extraordinary realities. Within soul lies the essential life force and ultimate healing energy. Each human being is slowly learning to harness its incredible inner power.
March 28, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
So simple, yet so powerful!
March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJulie

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