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Insight of the Moment

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5 Ways to reframe misinformation

Misinformation leads to confusion. Certain ideas in the mind arise from ideas that are misconstrued or misunderstood. People often question how they are meant to grasp certain pieces of information. You may wonder how you are supposed to sort through what you have been given. What next for you?

1) Recognize memory activators. Every word, image, sensation or idea triggers some level of recall. The nature of your recall is unique to you. As you experience 'eureka' moments, you gradually learn to discern the difference between conditioned reaction and timeless inner knowing.

2) Realize the same energy takes different forms.  Whether or not you understand the origin and Source of pure energy, you can realize it leaves from and returns to the physical plane with predictability and regularity.  One might conclude key information is made available to everyone.  Another perspective is that all information is always available in different forms.  This would mean its retrieved in stages by each person in forms that person is ready to ingest and accept.

3) Sense inner knowing is activated on different levels.  Every human being has the same innate abilities.  What you choose to sense and understand at a given moment is a matter of perception.  You have ability to shift focus and awareness whenever you choose.  As a person detects layers of fear, anxiety and worry, that person can learn to work through the underlying reasons for each one. Dissolving each fear illusion reveals a layer of timeless inner knowing based on love.

4) Grasp absolute misunderstanding is illusion. Part of you is always rearranging energy in order to simplify or otherwise make sense of it. Every cell is involved in this complex influx of information. Every energy being has more receivers than can be consciously counted or understood. Imagine your being as an intricate radio tower sending and receiving frequencies on levels that Modern Science is as yet unequipped to explain. Information you register and take on-board are not aligned. To realign all known and unknown (form and formless) systems restabilizes core consciousness.

5) Concede more is going on than you accept.  To have any insight into human-conceived science fiction confuses reality.  These inventions open parts of the conscious self to what it is not yet willing to accept. As an energy being gets the sense at times he "is not all there," this offers a glimpse of truth.  Only a small portion of your energy fills the physical body you view as yourself.  The rest of that core energy is not in the physical world and does not experience what your physical body does directly.  The part of you that resides apart is often called Soul.  Your incarnated physical being is drawn to reconnect with a Higher self which is perceives as immutable.  

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Reader Comments (6)

Hi LIara

That is an interesting thought - that confusion stems from misinformation. I shall consider that next time I am in a state of confusion.

But, a question. How does one know one is dealing with misinformation if one is not experiencing confusion? Is there another indicator?

April 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJuliet
Misinformation can also be useful information just as acknowledging the presence of the ego can be useful. Its a realization that knowledge has been twisted and knotted and used to create a dam against fuller awareness. Seeing the root to misinformation and its effects on the world creates a baseline of practical awareness that opens a door to higher knowledge that feels good and that is actually useful in one's growth and journey. With that baseline, one can learn to discern what one does not want to attach and use their energy towards. Because if we give misinformation our time and our attention, it only gets stronger and has a greater influence upon the societies of the world.

1) Respond to information that resonates with you and makes you excited.

2) This reminds me of how conditions for certain information to be transmitted or received comes often in waves or cycles. As you say, the information can always be accessed, but there are times when important information comes to the world like ripples emanating from the center of the pond. This reminds me of how we are aligning with the galactic center in this moment in perceived time and how a certain quality of information is now radiating the earth, due to the cyclic rotation of the earth within the galaxy.

3) Fear and attachments creates a static cloud within the mind which prevents us from seeing information that is always there. Imagine the repetitive thoughts that you have throughout the day, all the likes and dislikes. They are all rotating in the mind whether they are being triggered or not. They are taking up space and are energetic blocks towards receiving new information. We can empty the mind of the past to know what silence is like. And through that space of silence, that blackboard, that empty palette, new paintings and designs and drawings can be created, inviting new spirit and therefore, information, into the moment.

4) Every atom and molecule is conscious and aware. We should treat the body with respect and give it love and nourishment so that it can resonate fluently, and therefore, receive and transmit fluently. By fully listening to all aspects of our lives and by becoming aware, realignment will happen. The earth is also our body. We must do the same for it so it can receive and transmit properly by being in alignment, by being in tune. The universe is our body......

5) This is broad and can go in many directions. Whenever, we attach our selves to some past or future event, then a part of us is no longer here. Part of our energy is trapped in circling loops in the mind. Within each of these loops is a story and a dreamworld and/or underworld. Parts of us are also in the overworld, in spirt. Part of me is also somewhere else when I type these words. We are never ever truly fully here as we know it. Perhaps we should redefine the word Here and Now for our physical Selves. Words too have many layers of meaning.
April 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Juliet, a given piece of information is received by your entire being on different levels. Even a sense of confusion on one level does not mean you are completely confused. To consistently believe every situation is meaningful and useful to you at this moment helps you shift focus to a positive vibration. To choose to reframe all information you consciously register as in your interest right now helps to eliminate the idea that misinformation exists. Your mindset shapes patterns of brain activity. For example, if you assume a problem exists, you look for it as you create it. To let go of negative energy has a lasting impact. Thought manifests facits of reality. To cease to believe means you shift energy and focus elsewhere.
April 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bernie, as you imply, every perception, mental assumption and misunderstanding exist as a teacher for he who is searching. Self-expression is itself infinite, timeless and constantly stretching the parameters of awareness. Human beings construct mental boundaries and are conditioned to believe lines distinguish the possible and impossible. Another perspective is that humans create laws to guide their incarnation and only truly learn as they progressively deconstruct their self-created limits, create new reality or rise above laws they determine not to apply.

1) Love is all there is. Responding to all else is distraction.

2) Mayan civilisation viewed the centre of the Galaxy as the cosmic origin. This is associated with the physically dead, immortal spirit, transition, transformation, and rebirth. The Mayan calendar and other research show an intersection of the Galactic Plane with the Solar System’s plane in 2012. As the Winter Solstice sun crosses the Galactic Equator, a porthole or opening doorway is foreseen. The predicted magnetic pole shift is to alter the endocrine production of the pineal gland and other aspects of human experience.

3) The “static” cloud of fear is an excellent analogy. Static is apparently invisible yet, interferes with radar, frequency, fluid energy vibrations and creates illusion of perception when it is actually anything but truth. This phenomena helps one begin to grasp why a person has trouble consistently feeling good and being consistently loving and self-accepting. The reasons to feel good are blocked by static or, different combinations of electric energy too small to see.

4) The additional detail you provide is appreciated. As human beings begin to consciously realize their energy is everything and everywhere, then their conscious behaviour can evolve to align so they treat everything outside themselves as they lovingly value the intrinsic core. Any behaviour other than love expressed toward anything is like doing the same thing to self.

5) As you say, words are dense with of meaning. Human beings tend to associate the words, “Here and Now” with a physical locality that is measurable and describable in human terms. The spiritual view encourages humans to free themselves from ego-mind control. It has also been said that, “The Here and Hereafter are equal mysteries to all people.” For any being who has no conscious recollection of the feeling of presence, then “Here and Now” becomes devoid of meaning, in part through repeated misuse.
April 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
'One might conclude key information is made available to everyone. Another perspective is that all information is always available in different forms. This would mean its retrieved in stages by each person in forms that person is ready to ingest and accept.'

These words inspire thoughts of the deep gift of awareness. To relax and listen to the our inner and outer world and from unique perspectives brings what we are ready to be with, yet the presence and awareness like you talk about in #1 can take us deeper and satisfy a yearning that permeates more than our personality.
Thank you for this inspiration.
April 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTammie
Tammie, these insights remind readers different ways of seeing, believing and perceiving exist. Each perspective is valid and represents a stage of learning that is evolving in unseen directions. Each energy being is taking steps to merge with inner knowing. It arises at the right moment.
April 20, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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