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Insight of the Moment

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Look inside yourself for truth

Lakota elders are among those who remind human beings that they can always look inside themselves for the truth.  Before you decide whether something is possible or not and reach inside to answer, part of you instinctively think about it.  Other parts of you explore how you feel about it.  Then, what?

As you begin to sense contemplation itself is part of a bigger process, you realize you gradually dispel unconsciousness.  As a person becomes more fully conscious, drama no longer enters that person's life. Events that unfold do not affect you.

In essence, you are slowly realizing resistance, control, power, greed, and other ego strategies are not the issue. Rather, ego itself prevents you from reconnecting to what you are. Consider these concepts and how they relate to your truth;

1) Multisensory perception.  This is a direct link to energy vibrations everywhere, beyond details the five senses and their collective energy provide.  It shrinks physical distance between what you know and the source of whatever jumps to mind.  It presents an alternative way of knowing to what you have been taught. This system encourages you to be open to ability you have always had yet forgot. Fear temporarily gets in the way.

2) Synchrony.   No single way exists to experience this.  You may get hunches, ah-ha moments, smell a scent that triggers connections other people would not necessarily get the same way you do.  Your senses communicate in ways you somehow understand yet, resist. Learn not to question. Trust intuition.  Choose to accept answers in forms or senations given.

3) Channelling. Wisdom arrives in forms one does not always readily grasp or accept. Non-physical sources of information are linked to realities or dimensions outside the physical plane. Beings beyond you know what motivates your behaviour, which initiatives you choose, every challenge you encounter, and lessons you learn or ignore. You are completely transparent in your energy vibration. Those who read energy and emotions help you recognize options, explore feelings and learn to be more loving. Guidance is available when you ask and listen.

4) Dreams. Dreams offer insight into your authentic capacities as an energy being. The series of symbols, stories and talents you can awaken to recall lead you to far more options for learning about the self. Each energy shift alters degrees of awareness.  This permits you to discern opportunities to see past limitations of physical reality.

5) Perspective.  Each decision you make is based on your free will.  You choose to incarnate, to create situations you experience to broaden your horizons.  A constant influx of messages travels through your entire being.  Perspective expands as you become aware of signals sent from different vantage points.  These include non-physical guides, soul and the frequency of your higher self. To choose to live each moment to the fullest and be grounded in the moment means you actually live as if your vantage point is inside the self.

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Reader Comments (17)

Hi Liara,

Humans do not realize they can indeed channel wisdom through their words and actions. Those secret little acts of compassion can lead to life-changing experiences in the long run.

As far as the messages traveling through your entire being, do they include text messaging. ;D
April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, as humans realize they are energy beings, they can learn to develop and split dialogue with their inner selves.

As part of awakening, each person grows to discern he channel unseen energy through the body. This can be harnessed and used to generate electricity. The self-limiting nature of Science has no idea yet of the extent of human energy potential. Some accepted examples are:

Another way to explore messages that travel thoughout the body is to attune to energy vibration. Every cell transfers energy. You learn more in practical experience. Stages of spiritual progress are not easily measured or explained in human terms. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali mention various innate powers, such as levitation, invisibility, auric sight and mastery over the senses. They can be rediscoverd and strengthened through yoga practice. The author cautions such powers should be ignored lest they prove an obstacle to spiritual progress. That is, ambition and desire hinder raising consciousness. They are a means to an end, not an end unto themselves.

As for text messaging, telepathy is a bit like a human text. As you explore untapped abilities, you may find additional avenues that expand consciousness of who you are.
April 24, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
That which we put our attention towards shines a light into what was once darkness. What has been forgotten in the basement and in the attic and under our beds are suddenly in the process of being re-examined and re-discovered.

There are unseen communication satellites orbiting on many levels relaying information instantaneously throughout and throughin. By knowing that they are there, they will activate themselves, or rather they have always been working, but we are activating our self and tuning in to the proper frequencies.
April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBernie
Bernie, energy is teaching every being from the inside out that inner power is rekindled every moment. Not everyone chooses to hear, sense or feel it. Yet, as a person views the self as a transmitter and simultaneous receiver, higher forms of reasoning unleash themselves to awaken soul.

What seems unrealistic or unfair at a given moment is precisely an event human beings refer back on as a blessing. The universe gives each person the conditions required to uncover what matters and to awaken more fully in the process. To recognize everything unfolding is for the well-being of all is to open the mind to the vantage point of soul. This kind of enlightened reasoning uncovers abilities people forget they have. Individual events become satoris or, glimpses into enlightenment.

Everyone can think of an experience that has taught them whatever happens in moment is what they need. Even when a person does not wish to value a lesson or use an untapped ability, he knows deep down he has reason to be grateful for his level of awareness. Universal energies present in form and formless ways to encourage you to see behind the choices you are making. It never matters what a person is frightened or angry about. The point is to recognize you choose to be mad or afraid or not. Choices enable you to recover dignity, self-respect and expand the reach of unconditonal love. Everyone is learning to fly.
April 24, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hello Liara,

All these are certainly a springboard to recognizing Truth. To me, one's perspective is crucial to whether we allow any of the others through to conscious awareness. Some people, for whatever reasons, are not willing to look at anything that is not recognized by the general masses as part of accepted reality.
April 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMiruh
Miruh, one crucial lesson for every human being is to learn the value of self-determination. That is, it is not your job to convince anyone of your perspective or level of supposed self-understanding. Every appearance is beautiful as a human being transcends conditioned prejudice. Every person has the ability to discern the vibrant energy and teachings to be gained from every perception, and received message. Each person can choose to dedicate the self to serving, helping or empowering others. Marcel Proust offers food for thought in saying, "The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
April 25, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. thanks for these ideas .. the spiritual side of life is having an effect on my life now .. through my mother - the spirits are with her .. and we have a wonderful spiritual lady who has helped my mother so much .. Janice has been with us for almost the whole time my mother has been in Eastbourne - we are so blessed with her.

All the best - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
April 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
HIlary, human beings are known to have glimpses of spiritual awakenings, even full-blown spiritual awakenings, as the result of experiencing health setbacks. People share stories of suddenly just knowing divine presence, sometimes even seeing forms of angels.Why?

Death is a human concept that is grounded in fear of the unknown. As humans gain insight into their relationships with everything, then they deepen their sense of what is sacred. To feel disconnected from the sacred is to sense part of the spirit is dying. Soul is just not accessed. To dissolve fear of death, one can learn to enrich and access the unseen spirit within. Inner evolution stagnates unless it is revived and reinforced in the external world. When you talk of something, you give it strength. You fuel its existence, bring it into being. Inner truth only seems to vanish from physical life. Its reduced to mere mention in mythology or psychology unless you reconnect with the source of why you exist. To sense divine presence in any form or formless state is to connect with sacred spiritual energies. They help recall what is temporarily forgotten.
April 26, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. thank you for replying .. my mother has seen the light about 22 months ago .. and definitely sees family members around her .. she's not ready to go yet. However she is not afraid of death .. we've discussed this.

Thanks I have a lot to learn ..

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letterrs
April 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
HIlary, every human being is on his own learning curve. You and your mom may appreciate Elizabeth Kubler Ross' writing. She has written books such as On Death & Dying, On Life After Death. They may be available at your local library. When you have an open mind, you are more receptive to what is presented, to what you experience.
April 26, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. thank you .. I have one of her books here .. it's not the dying .. it's actually the state of affairs at present unfortunately .. I'll be fine ... thanks - all the best Hilary
April 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, Elizabeth Kuber Ross' life story is itself remarkable. She shares how she comes to understand and appreciate impermanence in different areas of her life. This requires letting go of how you think things should be in order to come to accept how they truly are. You learn what makes sense at a given moment. As you listen to self, you make choices that reveal a path that works, As you follow any line of thought, any series of choices, you are also in process of rediscovering what it means and where it leads.
April 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Thank you ..
April 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Is looking inside the self the same as looking at God's perspective?
May 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterI TAKE OFF THE MASK
HIlary, thanks for visiting. Everyone can learn from everyone else.
May 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Abbie, looking inside the self is simply choosing to reconnect with something greater than yourself. Some human beings describe this as reconnecting with the Source of life energy. Some people say God. Others say, "Higher forces" "intuition or, something else. In essence, each person is remembering how to tap into authentic power. This means you are gradually aligning your personality with soul. The soul is the part of you that knows inner peace, knows reverence and unconditional acceptance of everything. It knows that love is all there is. Any thought or feeling that deviates from love is grounded in the illusions of anger and fear. Life enables yo uto work through experiences so that you begin to recall the truth.
May 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
a discovery of self.. perhaps true- whether in colour or not.

But these days, i seem to have none. Like there 's a block somewhere.
August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSilver

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