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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Awaken from the dream of unreality

Regardless of your vantage point right now, certain aspects of your perspective are obscured. Human beings explore astral realms more consciously as they grow ready to realize everything is transparent. Spirit observes all. You recognize this as you are ready tobe accountable for your choices. How does one awaken more fully from the dream of unreality?

1) Revisit self-observation. Some people assume they already know the answers to all their personal issues. As you admit you do not consciously know all the answers, you can humbly surrender mind control. Recognize shifting and transforming consciousness relate to the nature of truth you can handle at this moment. You never experience anything you are not mindfully-prepared to accept.

2) Sense intentional co-creation. Every person is energy. Individual thoughts and feelings vibrate. Love creates good feelings. They resonate high frequency. Negative feelings resonate low frequency. Collective vibrations contribute to perceived states of Earth. To be conscious of your impact is to make choices that restore harmony and balance in everything.

3)See fear for what it is. Human beings fear idleness. They fear not doing. They are conditioned to do. They forget how to be. One is never certain of the nature of what is accomplished. Part of you still fears it is not what is expected, deserved or assumed. Serenity is rediscovered as you feel unafraid of where you are. Fear dissolves and you are present. Remind the self anything you struggle too much for makes it harder to detach from illusion. Fear not losing what does not exist.

4) Grasp disappointment helps you. To feel disheartened is impetus for change. The more discomfort you feel about your current mindset and conditions, the more energy you direct into appropriate tranformation. Waking up to your true self requires you abandon misunderstandings.

5) Do not permit secret joy in negativity. You encounter people who are impatient to share all their reasons for depression, anger and negative vibrations. Emotions such as jealousy and frustration generate energy that can be channelled in more constructive directions. If these emotions emerge in you, recognize you need not perpetuate them. Choose to reclaim your power. Shift focus to love.

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Reader Comments (16)

I am observing today that my slacks are too tight and that the 6 pounds I just can not get off to be at my normal high are not going away. I am focused on it, because I am wondering why this life lesson is so constant and overwhelming me all the time.
Then on top of it all, I am swelling up with the heat wave we are having
I am caught up in this is not fair...I have been working on this for a lifetime....a pity party of sorts. I can not stay here, I must reconnect to my mind because I must go visit a dying child and help parents make some very tough decisions.
I am angry about my body...rejoicing that it has been here this long -
I would like a pill right now...not all these lessons
June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatricia
Patricia, western society has evolved in such a way as to create pharmaceutical companies that offer quick fixes for external symptoms. Yet, this approach to healing masks the underlying root cause of many ailments. As a human being realizes dis-ease is grounded in unseen thoughts and energy vibration, then a being begins to sense lessons. Consider perceived past, present and future are illusions of mind, and unrelated to awareness of what is. As consciousness has no connection with psychological time, that part of you simply senses change. You choose to accept or resist the flow of change. You always get precisely what you need even if this is not what ego apparently thinks it wants. The real you is not ego.
June 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
You always get precisely what you need even if this is not what ego apparently thinks if wants. yes! so true now I am wondering why I need this? more digging to do...
June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatricia
Hi Liara. I'm "virtually hugging" you right now. This is brilliant! And, I'm excited because I actually understand -- I get it -- and I feel it as truth! Many thanks for writing.
June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
Hi Liara .. I'd just love to get on, have my hours in the day I should be able to have if I was free, as my creativity has so many ideas .. but needs must and I'll see my mother out in the best way that I can .. it's a draining process, but I seem to be able to manage it .. fortunately I'm not a negative person, I get drained by the tiredness - but seem to be able to pick myself up and keep on.

I always look at others - as I know so many are in much worse positions than I am .. their care has gone on for far longer, and theirs is full time .. I do consider myself lucky in the scheme of things .. apart from being born with some good traits that help in this situation ... however I know I'm in no manner of means perfect.

Thanks - I hope I keep within reality .. I seem to -
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Patricia, as you learn to use your energy in alignment with creation and all that you are, you realize your level of consciousness affects the flow of all matter. This means your energy level, the state of your physical body, how you relate to people and situations, environments and how mind sends messages in dream symbols to the conscious self. Recall truth in the phrase, 'seek and ye shall find.'
June 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Davina, you are beginning to realize your understanding of energy and self is highly-influenced by your level of conscious awareness. As you attune to feelings, you realize you affect your energy level. What shapes every person's fate is how they choose to use energy they have and to what degree they are aware of where it comes from. As you open mind, the scope of experience expands.
June 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, each person defines the parameters of an acceptable reality. It relates to the energy you are born with, the energy you need replenished to feel whole. This energy is invisible to you now, and you sense when a situation is right for you. Your relationships are as meaningful as you decide they are at a given moment.
June 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I am really learning to work with what you say in number 4 about feeling disheartened as impetus for change. I used to think a mild depression of a few hours or so over some little thing or another was such a bad thing. Now I am better at accepting that this is the messenger telling me what I need to do differently next time. It is more of a balanced life for me.
June 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, emotion is simply energy that holds a particular vibration. Each emotion captures your attention in some way so inner awareness shifts. Every person open to receiving messages, gets them. How you choose to understand your own internal messages is based on what you are ready and willing to accept about you. The healthier you feel spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally and otherwise, the stronger the energy field around you. Thoughts affect your energy field, your mood, your aura and energy vibration. Everything is intricately interconnected in seen and unseen worlds. You sense it.
June 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Great post. Very inspiring. I like the idea of taking things that may not happen as you want, and using this as motivation. Some of my best moves or decisions have come after a huge failure, or setback. Thank you for posting this excellent point of view.
June 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAres Vista
Ares, as you mention, apparent "setbacks" are actually preparation for incredibly positive stages of personal transformation. In order to gain insight into a range of emotions and mindsets, and to truly know what serves you, it is necessary to learn which mindsets do not. They help you briefly as teachers. Then, you decide to move on.
June 6, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

You write so well. I loved #3 and #5 particularly. What you said about idleness is so true. I am from the US, but I believe that this trait is ingrained in many cultures. I would love to learn more about some cultures that you have found that do not have this belief system. Are there any out there?

The negativity thing is important too. Every so often, I wake up to myself in conversation with someone and I am nodding and agreeing along and adding encouraging words to their negativity. Or, conversely, I wake up to myself sharing my own negativity with someone. I call it "the sticky peanut butter" - we just can't seem to shake it! Just wake up. It is simple, really. Human nature is to make the simple complex.

I am really looking forward to our interview! It is tomorrow night! Yeah!
Amy, extensive travel does reveal a broad range of perspectives about love and fear. However, the core human and spiritual connections actually have no nationality, no sense of border or difference. What are viewed as 'common beliefs' in a particular culture are part of collective agreement or group consciousness. This can shift. At some stage, oneness awakens within the heart and light and love are what is seen in everything.
June 9, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Yes, perhaps even in the most spiritually evolved cultures (ours not on my list to be one of them!) there is a sense that idleness is wastefulness, but this is unfortunate. As many wise teachers have said before us, it is in these quiet "idle" moments that sometimes we get the greatest insights! I believe that it was Einstein who was reported to have many of his best ideas in the shower! (It may have been someone else, but you get the idea!)

I am very curious about different cultures you've experienced and what they teach their people. The USA is a vast place with many many different sub-cultures. Two neighbors may grow up with completely different ideologies! That is what makes it so unique and so wonderful to be a part of! (I am sure that Canada has a similar characteristic, from what I gather...)

At the same time, in both cultures, there is a "follow the herd" mentality that often excludes exploration into unknown territories. Sometimes it is tough for a person inside a culture to tell the difference between beliefs passed down culturally and those that are basic human nature. We so often get those mixed up! I believe that it is part of my mission in this life to help people with that and to help people to gain the courage to explore those unknown territories. There is tremendous richness there!
Amy, no belief is innate nature. Unconditional love and acceptance is nature. To love and appreciate all others as self, and then to see no other reconnects with true nature.

Each person creates levels of a dream reality. Labels like nationality, ethnicity, profession, name, credentials and social roles, create identities. This is not the truth. This creates a sense of difference and artificial sepration. Every label is like another mattress in the story of the princess and the pea. You may recall a "real" princess can sense her authenticity, even though multiple layers of fluff. Every human has ability to sense the inner, authentic self as he begins to see through his conditioning and beliefs. To see through the lens of the universal soul is to see equality,love, peace and harmony.
June 10, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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